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Budget Work Group – March 29, 2016


Marshall University’s Budget Work Group met on Tuesday, March 29. First, a list of the items that contributed to closing the budget gap for Fiscal Year 2016 was reviewed. The items included transfers from Athletics, Pharmacy and E-courses, additional revenue from INTO, academic vacancy savings and delayed hirings, and direct expenditure reductions, for a total of just over $2.6 million.

Gary White reviewed the situation with regard to the state budget and the Legislature. It is his opinion that there is a 50-50 chance of a budget being approved before the May primaries. Regardless of the status of the state budget, Marshall officials will present a proposed budget to the board at the April Board of Governors meeting. It will be conservative, reflecting another possible reduction in state allocations.

Work on the FY2017 budget is continuing. Departmental requests have been received and are being reviewed. Some possibilities include a centralized funding source for graduate teaching assistants and printing. Submissions exceeded the FY16 budget, so review is being done to identify any duplications, items that could be delayed, or items that may be appropriate for funding from Strategic Priorities as they are items that are intended to generate revenue in future years so could be funded with reserves for FY17.  The next Budget Work Group meeting is scheduled for April 12.


Click on link above to view the list of items used to close the FY 2016 budget gap.


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