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Colloquium: “Robotics of the Mars Station program”

Marshall University Math Colloquium
February 6, 2004

Linda Hamilton
Marshall University

There will be an interactive session with a Marshall student, Juan Bueno, at the LEGO CITY at Nick J. Rahall, II Transportation Institute. Through modeling we may see first hand some of the difficulties with the real Mars Mission. Problem solving in the real world involves math and computer science. We in the Marshall Math department can get students interested in continuing their math education to be able to solve tomorrow’s problems. The Planetary Society’s Mars Station project is made possible through a partnership with the LEGO Company. The Planetary Society developed Mars Stations, a part of the Red Rover Goes to Mars project, in order to give people around the world a chance to enjoy the challenge and excitement of exploring another planet. By visiting and logging in to a Mars Station, you can remotely drive a LEGO rover across a Mars terrain, seeing through the rover’s Web camera “eye,” just like mission scientists use robotic rovers to sense and explore the surface of Mars.

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