Faculty Reassigned Time Cover Sheet

Faculty Reassigned Time Cover Sheet_Fillable PDF

College of Liberal Arts Faculty Development Grant Application Guidelines

All proposals must be submitted by the deadline and include all relevant items listed below. Late and/or incomplete proposals, as well as proposals that do not follow directions, will not be considered. Proposals should be submitted by February 15 in spring semesters and November 15 in fall semesters and should include the following:

  1. Cover sheet, signed by the department chair.
  2. Content Narrative (no longer than 500 words). It should:
    • Clearly explain the content of the project
    • Include goal(s) of project, e.g. chapter in a book manuscript, conference presentation, journal article, etc.
    • Be written so that it is understandable by persons from other disciplines
  3. Contribution Narrative (no more than 250 words). It should:
    • Include a statement indicating the project’s contribution to the relevant discipline, university, college, department, student population, etc.
  4. Timeline Narrative (no longer than 250 words). It should:
    • Include specific information about the timeline of the project, e.g., schedule for completion, deadlines, etc.
    • Include indications of progress if the project is ongoing, e.g. preliminary results, prior related presentations or publications.
  5. A current and complete curriculum vitae.
  6. Supporting documents as appropriate

Examples of supporting documents include but are not limited to: book contracts, letters of acceptance for articles, book chapters, conference papers, and creative projects; letters of solicitation for conference presentations, articles, chapters, etc.

Please make sure that each section is clearly labeled and includes your name.

Proposals will be ranked according to the following criteria:

  • Clarity of the Content Narrative
  • Clarity of the Contribution Narratives in conveying the short- or longer-term importance of the project for the faculty member’s scholarly and/or creative development, as well as the importance of the project for the university and for the faculty member’s discipline, college, department, and/or students
  • Clarity of Timeline Narrative
  • Evidence of progress (if ongoing or previously funded by any source including this committee)
  • Evidence of required reporting (if previously funded by this committee)


  • Please contact a member of the COLA Research Committee with any questions about the application or application process. Committee members cannot comment on entire application packets but can provide answers to specific questions.
  • The increasing number of strong applications coupled with finite resources means that not all worthy applications can be funded. As with all grant funding, the chances of being awarded the COLA FDA vary with the quality and quantity of each year’s pool of applications. Please contact the COLA Research Committee Chair with specific questions if your proposal was not funded.
  • The committee strongly encourages proposals from junior faculty and for new or previously unfunded projects.
  • The committee strongly encourages proposals for creative projects (that is, written work other than scholarly articles/chapters/books), as well as proposals for scholarly works.
  • Funding is not granted for the completion of doctoral dissertations.
  • Committee members who apply will not participate in evaluating their own applications.