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6 Save-worthy Phone Numbers


6 Phone Numbers for a Student Cell Phone:

1. Home:
Student should call home on a regular basis, but more importantly, someone else will be able to reach you in case of an emergency.

2. Marshall University Police Department:   
(304) 696-4357 (6HELP)
In case of any emergency, your student should have this number saved in his or her cell phone.  This will decrease panic and increase response time in a crisis situation.

3. Marshall University Student Health:
(304) 691-1100
A student won’t feel like searching out a phone number when he or she is sick.  Suggest that they save this number and you will be getting a big “thank you” from your college student.

4. Professors:
Most professors include their office phone number on the syllabus.  If your student has easy access to these numbers, he or she will be more likely to call with an academic question or problem.  Faculty members like to be aware of a problem sooner, rather than later.

5. Office of Student Affairs:
(304) 696-6422
With access to the Dean of Student Affairs, student advocacy, counseling, and a variety of other great services, the Office of Student Affairs will be able to answer any question your student may have. 

6. Student Resource Center
(304) 696-5810
The Student Resource Center can assist your student with anything!  Saving this number will be the best decision a student can at Marshall University!

Suggest these numbers to your student.  He or she will be an expert on Marshall University in no time!

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