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WOW! Welcome to Marshall!

What is WOW?
Week of Welcome (WOW) gives your student an opportunity to get acquainted with the MU campus before the upperclassmen return.   Students will get introduced to their major field of study, meet other students in their academic college, and make connections with numerous offices and services on campus.  Each group will meet with an upperclassman student guide, so they will have an opportunity to ask questions and get the answers they need before classes begin.  

Is it really a week?
No, Week of Welcome just sounds cool and we pack a week’s worth of material into just a few days!  Week of Welcome begins on Wednesday, August 17th, when your student moves into his or her residence hall and ends on Saturday, August 20th

Is there anything for parents to do?
Yes!  You are an integral part in helping your student move in and get adjusted to their new living space.  Read last week’s blog post to get some tips on how to handle moving day!  In addition, all family members are invited to attend the family picnic on Wednesday, August 17th from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. on the Henderson South Field.  This is your moment to say “see ya later!”

What do WOW and UNI 100 have in common?
Your student’s attendance at WOW is REQUIRED for the completion of UNI 100.  To get the UNI 100 credit, students must attend the workshops, plenary sessions, and activities associated with WOW.  These take place on Thursday, August 18th and Friday, August 19th.  After your student attends WOW, he or she will have to complete a few online modules to receive the one hour of credit.  Remind your student to complete these modules!  This will be the first class that your student will complete at Marshall University. 

What should my student wear to WOW events?
Students should dress for a fun time!  Your student will receive a t-shirt during WOW registration check-in that should be worn to the WOW events.  However, comfortable clothes and layers are the best option because room temperatures may vary. 

WOW is a great way for your student to connect to MU on a personal level.  Encourage your student to participate with an open mind and get ready for an exciting, life-changing college experience.  If you have any questions regarding WOW or UNI 100, please contact the Student Resource Center at 304-696-5810 or  See you there!

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