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Karaleah S. Rechart, Ph.D.

reichart2001 Rockefeller Scholar-in-Residence

Conflicts of Interests: Black Women’s Experiences in Contemporary Coal Industry Disputes

Dr. Karaleah S. Reichart work is an ethnographic study using life history interviews and participant observation among black women in southern West Virginia to evaluate their multifarious interests and differing strategies for participation in labor conflicts associated with the coal industry. This project centers on the fundamental intersections of race, class, and gender in coal communities in southern West Virginia.

Dr. Reichart, currently an assistant professor of Anthropology at California State, University, Fullerton, holds a doctorate in Anthropology from Northwestern University and has written several journal articles on gender and industrial disputes in coal communities. Dr. Reichart is also associated with the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Gender in Appalachia as first a Student Affiliate, and later, as a Scholar Affiliate and Advisory Board Member.

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