Wednesday, 28 September 2016


Jessica Hutchinson graduated from Marshall in 2016 with her bachelors in Geography. While pursuing her undergrad, she took several English classes, including Textual Analysis and Contemporary Literature with Dr. Forrest Roth, Intro to Creative Writing with Dr. Carrie Oeding, and Young Adult Literature with Dr. Hilary Brewster. She loved them so much she ended up pursuing a minor, and soon moved on to join our graduate program.

When she’s not in class, you can find her picking up trash around Huntington with her dog, Molly, working at the writing center or running. Last year she even ran the Marshall Marathon.

Next fall, she’ll be teaching English 101 as a graduate assistant. And, after finishing the masters program, she hopes to continue her education by entering either a Masters of Fine Arts or PhD program, eventually teaching.

We’re glad she chose Marshall.