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Avian Influenza Response

  1. Pre Planning up to and including confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission of avian flu.
  2. Suspected case(s) on Campus or suspected/confirmed cases in Huntington area.
  3. Confirmed case(s) on Campus (Only essential personnel required to report to campus.
Level 1 Level 2
(in addition to Level 1 actions)
Level 3
(in addition to Level 2 actions)
1. Assessment Team (FMS, EH&S, Health Center and University Police)
  1. Bringing in Director of Health Center as Incident Commander
  2. Monitoring situation
  3. Contact Media Relations
  4. Bringing in House/Dining for quarantine planning
  5. Essential personnel receive fit test & training on respiratory protection from Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)
Essential personnel receive N95 respirators from EH&S
  1. Maintain contact amongst Assessment team.
2. Incident Commander (Director of Health Center)
  1. Communicate with Cabell County HealthDepartment and Wayne County Health Department and University Physicians and Surgeons regarding planning and surveillance
  2. Communicate and benchmark other college Health Services and EH&S Depts.
  3. Alert Advisory Group Coordinator
  4. Establish communication with deans regardingthe status of preparedness.
  5. Update emergency action plan with Assessment Team & Advisory Group Coordinator as situation evolves.
  6. In conjunction with the Advisory Group Coordinator, issue communication(s) to campus community regarding status of disease spread, self protection and university response. (e-mail, website, town meetings)
  1. Notify Cabell Huntington Health Department and Wayne County Health Department.
  2. Notify Student Affairs and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
  3. Notify Housing & Dining on number of potential contacts that may require isolation.
  4. Compose communications with Media Relations an the Advisory Group Coordinator for the campus community Regarding signs/symptoms, protocol for referral of suspected cases.
  5. Essential personnel receive N95 respirators from EH&S
  1. Advise Advisory Group Coordinator to activate Emergency Operations (EOC)
  2. Recommend temporary closure of Building(s) and suspension of student and academic activities to Advisory Group Coordinator.
  3. Implement Emergency action Plan with Assessment Team & Advisory GroupCoordinator.
  4. Ensure that each Operations Group function is covered.
Level 1 Level 2
(in addition to Level 1 actions)
Level 3
(in addition to Level 2 actions)
3. University Police
  1. Health Center trains dispatchers, security, and police on avian flu.
  2. Alert Student Health Center if encountering individual(s) with flu-like symptoms.
  3. Essential personnel receive fit test and training on respirator protection from EH&S
  1. Implement policy on transporting individual to hospitals.
  2. Essential personnel receive N95 respirators from EH&S
  1. Secure buildings and post signage
  2. Assist Health Center
4. Facilities Management
  1. Identify building ventilations systems.
  2. Essential personnel receive fit test and training on respiratory protection from EH&S
Essential personnel receive N95 respirators from EH&S
  1. Stand by to shut off utilities as directed by Incident Commander, if necessary.
5. Env. Health & Safety
  1. Assess respiratory protection plan and resources.
  2. Contact with hazardous material company for professional cleanup.
  3. Train and fit essential personnel for respirators.
  1. Arrange for additional medical waste pickups.
  2. Distribute N95 to essential personnel.
  1. Assist w/notification of Emergency Coordinators
  2. Assist Heath Care Center
6. President’s Office Advisory Group Coordinator
  1. Receive information from Incident Commander
  2. Review content of internal and external public information bulletins and announcements. Work with Media Relations to select appropriate university spokesperson(s) for media reporting.
  3. Essential personnel receive fit test and training on respiratory protection from EH&S
  4. Consider restricting movement on and off campus for activities/athletic events.
  1. Advise Executive Management on response options.
  2. Activate EOC3. Receive N95 respirators from EH&S
  1. Provide oversight for student, staff and faculty family notifications if appropriate.
President’s Office Executive Management
  1. Based on U.S. State Department recommendations, University recommends campus community not to travel toaffected countries.
  2. Receive fit test and training on respiratory protection from EH&S
  1. Evaluate information on institutional effects of the incident and set response priorities as appropriate.
  2. Essential personnel receive N95 respirators from EH&S
  1. Authorize temporary suspension of classes or closure.
Level 1 Level 2
(in addition to Level 1 actions)
Level 3
(in addition to Level 2 actions)
7. Media Relations
  1. Draft internal and external bulletins and announcements, with the Advisory Group Coordinator.
  1. Appoint liaison to interface with the Advisory Group.
  2. Write and record bulletins and up dates on the University’s Emergency Information Hotlines.
  3. Write scripts for phone tree with approval from Advisory Group Coordinator.
  4. Request to campus that faculty and staff and their families to report all flu cases to Incident Commander.
  1. Organize phone banks, if necessary (phone banks can refer callers to emergency services, take messages, support rumor control)
  2. Establish a Media Relations Center: coordinate press releases and manage news teams and interviews etc.
8. Emergency Coordinators NOT APPLICABLE
  1. Watch MU front page and disseminate information to Floor Marshals.
  2. Remain available for further instructions.
Same as Level 2
9. Student EMS
  1. Health Center trains EMS on avian flu.
  2. Notify Health Center if suspected cases are encountered.
  3. Essential personnel receive fit test and training on respiratory protection from EH&S
11. Parking NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE Clear Marshall University Parking lot for medical staging area.
Level 1 Level 2
(in addition to Level 1 actions)
Level 3
(in addition to Level 2 actions)
12. Housing and Dining Enact Planning for Quarantine of students:

  1. Health Center trains essential personnel on risks and response.
  2. Identify potential rooms and/or buildings to be used for quarantined students. Update by semester based on current occupancy.
  3. Notify current occupants in spaces that will be needed of the potential or need for them to move.
  4. Ensure emergency response menu is planned for various degrees of need.
  5. Stockpile additional food stuffs and water.
  6. Ensure food delivery process is planned and delivery supplies are on hand.
  7. Essential personnel receive fit test and training on respiratory protection from EH&S
Enact plan for quarantine of students:

  1. Set up Housing and Dinning command center and recall essential personnel.
  2. Enact emergency phone contact tree.
  3. Identify meal delivery need and method for quarantined students.
  4. Communicate situation and needs to owners and landlords of rental properties.
  5. Identify roles of essential staff: leadership, communications, food production, food delivery, maintenance and housekeeping.
  6. Essential personnel receive N95 masks from EH&S
  7. Activate emergency locator tracker on housing website for use by displaced students to report their temporary addresses.
  1. Activate plan from level 2 to quarantine students in conjunction with the guidance from the Cabell Huntington Health Department.
14. Risk Management
  1. Identify risk exposure for which insurance can and cannot be obtained including associated financial impact.
  2. Identify steps that must be taken to monitor and protect insurance coverage.
  3. Benchmark risk management response and insurance coverage options with peer universities.
  1. Communicate with insurance carriers on evolving campus issues.
  1. Assess actual risk/insurance claim issues.
Level 1 Level 2
(in addition to Level 1 actions)
Level 3
(in addition to Level 2 actions)
15. Medical Services
  1. Post entry door notifying patients with influenza profile and have traveled to (or have been visited by persons from effected counties to call SHS (691-1176)
  2. Isolated exam room
  3. Arrange for negative pressure machines
  4. Standard precautions in place
  5. Respiratory protection equipment in place
  6. In-service training for avian flu
  7. Follow State and County protocol for patient testing
  8. Monitor Health Care workers
  9. Essential personnel receive fit test and training on respirator protection from EH&S
  10. 10. Policy on transporting individual to hospital.
  1. Isolate and monitor suspected cases.
  2. Identify contacts of suspected case.
  3. Communicate with parents of suspected cases and explain procedure
  4. Initiate prophylaxis of contacts based on strength of patient presentation
  5. Update Incident Commander
  6. Establish phone triage lines for Student Health Services and CAPS
  7. CAPS initiate pre-event counseling for essential personnel
  8. Initiate poster, e-mail, campaign on self protection
  9. Essential personnel receive respirators from EH&S
  1. Isolation room in Health Center (negative pressure)
  2. Locating people contacted by patient.
  3. Arrange for screening of people who have had contact.
  4. Arrange for counseling services.
  5. Contact Coroner’s office if necessary.
16. Computing and Telecommunications
  1. Assess supplemental telecomm./computing hardware/software needs:
    • Student Affairs
    • Health Services
    • Public Relations
    • Counseling Center
    • Human Resources
    • Telecommunications
  2. Assess needs for webpage support
  3. Develop plan for adding volunteers to public e-mail addresses
  4. Develop plan for distributing telephone calls to homes or phone banks
  1. Purchase / contact for supplemental telecommunications / computing hardware / software needs.
  1. Add additional phone lines to EOC, quarantine areas, and functional groups.
  2. Publish message from Public Relations on a periodic basis on Marshall University web’s front page.
  3. Assist with email messages distribution
  4. Set up podium and microphones for media center
  5. Provide guidance for forwarding phones and setting up “bounce messages.”
Level 1 Level 2
(in addition to Level 1 actions)
Level 3
(in addition to Level 2 actions)
17. Student Affairs & Housefellows
  1. Health Center trains; Office International Studies (OIS), CAPS, and housefellows. Resident Advisors and other offices within the Division on avian flu.
  2. OIS monitors student travelers entering from effected regions and assists with communication to international students and with their families.
  3. OIS formulates and rehearses plan to address needs/support for graduate and commuter students.
  4. Housefellows-formulate and rehearse plan to address needs/support for undergraduates
  5. Student Life-Formulate and rehearse plan to address needs/support for Greek organizations.
  6. Identify division personnel available for telephone support work.
  7. Receive fit test and training on respiratory protection from EH&S.
  1. Arrange for monitoring/delivery of medications, other goods and services to isolated cases.
  2. Assist with relocation of students for quarantine
  3. Assist with telephone consultation and support
  4. Essential personnel receive respirators from EH&S
  1. Identify student events where confirmed patients have attended.
  2. Residential staff assists Health Center.
18. Human Resources
  1. Identify essential personnel
  2. Monitor faculty and staff travelers entering from effected regions
  3. Prepare a call-off policy
  4. Identify personnel available for telephone support work
Same as Level 1 Activate call-off policy