
Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory (ORI)/Inspection Form

The ORI/Inspection Form is for annual evaluation of the storm sewer system.  An inventory of all of the manholes/storm drains and connections to the sanitary sewer has to be created to fulfill the MS4 requirements.  During the initial inventory an inspection of the system will be done to check for illicit discharges.  If there is no flow then the site will not be inspected until the next annual inspection.

Construction Site Runoff Inspection Form

The Construction Site Runoff Inspection Form will be used for weekly inspections for construction sites larger than one acre.  The inspections are to ensure the construction sites are using the appropriate BMPs to prevent any type of stormwater contamination.

Pollution Prevention Plan/Good Housekeeping (PPP/GH) Inspection Form

The PPP/GH inspection form will be used for quarterly inspections of the areas that require stormwater control measures (SCMs).  These areas have activity that, if not done correctly, could significantly impact the quality of the stormwater.  For this reason quarterly inspections will be performed to ensure these areas are maintained to minimize the opportunity of contaminating the stormwater.

Illicit Discharge

If you know of a suspected illicit discharge or other pollution concern please report it to the Physcial Plant at 304-696-6680 or email