Water Efficiency (WE)

The Water Efficiency (WE) category is about using less water throughout the interior and exterior building. A requirement for this category is to use 20% less water than a building similar to its size and full time employee calculations.

In the Arthur Weisberg Family Applied Engineering Complex (AEC), Marshall University wanted to use fixtures (toilets, urinal, bathroom sinks, showers, and kitchen sinks) that saved water, and include native plants (plants from this area) in the landscaping design.  Native plants will typically use less water, so irrigation is not required for plant survival.  The AEC has one restroom that uses stormwater for toilet flushing, so domestic water is not required.  A total of 10 points are possible for this category. Marshall University attempted eight (8) and two (2) points were not attempted/eligible.

Learn more about USGBC Water Efficiency (WE)

USGBC-logoBelow is a chart of points for Marshall University’s new Arthur Weisberg Family Applied Engineering Complex (AEC), currently awaiting response from the US Green Building Council (USGBC).

Water Efficiency (WE) – Project Checklist Chart: [8 out of 10 points] LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations
8 0 2   WATER EFFICIENCY (WE) Possible Points: 10
Y ? N
Y d Prereq 1 Water Use Reduction—20% Reduction
4 d Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping 2 to 4
Reduce by 50% 2
X No Potable Water Use or Irrigation 4
2 d Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies 2
50%; some strategies include water-conserving fixtures and/or
using non-potable water for conveyance
4 d Credit 3 Water Use Reduction 2 to 4
Reduce by 30% 2
Reduce by 35% 3
X Reduce by 40% 4
Credit 4 Process Water Reduction
Garbage disposals prevent meeting this credit
          EX PT: 40% savings or more