
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

Marshall University implemented the IDDE program to effectively prohibit and eliminate non-stormwater, illegal discharges, and/or dumping into the municipal separate storm sewer system to the regulatory extent allowable under State and Local law.  The program will be reviewed on an annual basis and updated when necessary.

Construction Site Run-Off Control Program

Marshall University’s Construction Site Run-off Control Program was initiated to educate and inform all contractors working on campus of the stormwater requirements for construction activities.  The ongoing program assesses, implements, and enforces the reduction of pollutants in stormwate runoff to Marshall University’s small MS4 from construction site activities that result in a land disturbance of one acre or greater.

Pollution Prevention Plan/Good Housekeeping Guidance Document (PPP/GH)

The PPP/GH guidance document has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing polluted runoff from Marshall University’s operations.  The goal will be achieved through developed and established maintenance standards that will help protect the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of receiving waters, inspection schedules to determine if maintenance standards are being met, and procedures for record keeping and tracking inspections.

Water Conservation

Marshall University endeavors to conserve water through a number of campus projects and features.

  • Rain Barrels, installed at the Student Gardens, to utilize rainwater when watering plants, thus reducing city water consumption.
  • Low-flow faucets that utilize a half gallon flow as opposed to 2-3 gallon flow.
  • Motion-sensor faucets that minimize water waste.
  • Dual flush handles, allowing the user to choose to use less water when flushing liquids.
  • Automatic low-flow urinals, reducing water usage from 8 pints per flush to 1 pint per flush.
  • Green Roofs, used to both conserve heating & cooling costs, as well as to reduce our impact on the local stormwater system.
    Green Roof – Science Building  |  Green Roof – Applied Engineering Complex
  • Rain Gardens, used to divert rainfall from local stormwater systems directly into the water-table.

Recycling Program

By Recycling, not only do we conserve and save resources, but we also have an immediate and positive impact on our campus, community and world! Recycling is easy, but it requires a conscious effort to be aware of our actions. Every time we throw things in the trash, we are allowing landfills to overflow and harm the environment. You will find recycling bins located all over the Marshall University campus. These bins are placed so that recycling is convenient for students, faculty and staff members on campus. Choose to Be Marshall Green. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.

Illicit Discharge

If you know of a suspected illicit discharge or other pollution concern please report it to the Physcial Plant at 304-696-6680 or email