Advising Tips
- In University College, advising appointments are encouraged but not required. Since our advisors participate in campus-wide activities and meetings, it is best to make an appointment to ensure that your advisor is available at the time that fits your schedule. If something comes up, though, don’t hesitate to call, stop by the office, or send an email.
- Please arrive to your appointment on time. You will be asked to sign-in at our reception desk.
- Be prepared to meet with your advisor at least twice during each semester. Your academic advisor is there to help you stay on track and will be your guide during your first few semesters at Marshall. Use your advisor as a resource.
- Create a folder or notebook to organize all of the advising materials that are provided by your advisor. When preparing for your appointment, review the material as it relates to your current status. Bring those documents with you to your appointment if there is something that you need clarified or explained. You need to keep a personal record of your progress toward your degree.
- If you have questions about academic policies or program requirements that you don’t understand, please ask.
- Ask questions about anything! Your University College advisor is willing to assist you with any concerns that you might have about your experience at Marshall University. While we may not be able to help or provide information for every situation you might encounter, we can help you find assistance from other campus offices and staff. We understand that many things outside of the classroom affect your academic success.
- When meeting with your advisor to plan your courses for the next semester, create a list of courses and bring that list with you to your appointment. As you plan for the next semester, it is good to know where you stand in the current semester. Be honest. We can provide the best advice for your situation if you are honest about your progress in your classes.
- Be ready to schedule your next advising appointment. Bring your planner (or your phone calendar) with you.

University College