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MU IT Represented in IEEE International Event


Marshall University’s Assistant VP for IT/Deputy CIO, Ed Aractingi, attended IEEE Experts in Technology and Policy Forum hosted at George Washington University last week in Washington, D.C.  The event is an invitation-only platform for connecting technology experts and policy makers to discuss internet governance, cyber-security and privacy.  IEEE, pronounced “Eye-triple-E,” stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

The event followed IEEE End-to-End Trust and Security for the Internet of Things (IoT) workshop co-hosted by IEEE, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Internet2 (I2) at which Aractingi presented his proposed IoT Assurance Model as a framework for assessing IoT technologies and deployments’ security and trust levels.

Aractingi is an active participant in the I2’s Collaborative Innovation community, a member of End-to-End Trust and Security and Big-Data & Analytics working groups, and co-chair of the IoT working group.

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