English 212: Sports Literature (Virtual) – Section 201 (CRN 3537) MWF 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM

English 232: Good Films – Section 203 (CRN 3552) & 204* (CRN 3554)

English 350: Intro to Textual Analysis – Section 204 (CRN 3585)

English 435: Modernism – Section 201 (CRN 3635)

English 499: Senior Capstone – Section 203 (CRN 3714)

English 204: Writing for the Workplace – Section 204 (CRN 3337), 205 (CRN 3349), 206 (CRN 3355), 207** (CRN 3360), 208* (CRN 3378), 209* (CRN 3395)

English 205: Popular Literature (Virtual) – Section 201 (CRN 3419) TR 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

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English 205: Popular Literature – Section 202 (CRN 3406)

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English 206: Good Plays – Section 201 (CRN 3428)

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English 209: Literature of Fantasy – Section 202 (CRN 3435)

English 211: Science Fiction (Virtual) – Section 202 (CRN 3439) TR 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

English 211: Science Fiction – Section 203 (CRN 3440)

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English 213: Good Poems – Section 202* (CRN 3539)

English 221: Postcolonial Literature – Section 201 (CRN 3542) & 202* (CRN 3544)

English 231: Good Stories – Section 202 (CRN 3548)

English 242: Women Writers – Section 201 (CRN 3571)

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English 314: Intro to Professional Writing – Section 201 (CRN 3573)

English 350: Intro to Textual Analysis (Virtual) – Section 203 (CRN 3583) TR 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM

English 354: Scientific & Tech Writing – Section 203* (CRN 3591)

English 355: Intro to Critical Theory – Section 203 (CRN 3599)

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English 360: Intro to Creative Writing – Section 205 (CRN 3613)

English 378: Creative Writing Fiction – Section 201 (CRN 3619)

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English 407: Writing, Editing & Doc Design – Section 201 (CRN 3625)

English 430: Young Adult Literature – Section 201 (CRN 3630)

English 439: Professional Writing Theory – Section 201 (CRN 3638)

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English 467: Visual Rhetoric – Section 201 (CRN 3650)

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*- Second 8 Weeks Course

**- First 8 Weeks Course