Dr. Isaac Wait

Department Chair - Department of Civil Engineering
WAEC 2201A
Ph.D. Purdue University, 2005 (Civil Engineering)
M.S. Brigham Young University, 2001 (Civil Engineering)
B.S. Brigham Young University, 2000 (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
2015 Reynolds Outstanding Teacher Award (Marshall University)
2011 American Society for Engineering Education, Environmental Engineering Division Early Career Grant
Design Engineer, Horrocks Engineering, 2001 – 2002
Professional Engineer (West Virginia #18909, Ohio #69553)
Dr. Wait conducts research in water resources engineering, with emphasis on watershed modeling for flood prediction and planning. This research combines field data and numerical models to simulate runoff during severe storms. Dr. Wait has a particular interest in working to develop and calibrate time-to-peak methods for unusually steep watersheds.
Criteria for Predicting Scour of Erodible Rock in West Virginia. Funded by West Virginia Department of Transportation. Principal Investigator.
Implementing and Assessing Strategies for Environments for Fostering Effective Critical Thinking (EFFECTs) Development and Implementation. Funded by National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator.
Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, Marshall University, 2020 – Present
National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES), Exam Development Committee Member and Environmental Engineering Subject Matter Expert.
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), member.
ABET, Program Evaluator (PEV) for the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC)
Reviewer for Water Environment Research, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and the American Society for Engineering Education