School of Pharmacy News Archive

The Marshall University School of Pharmacy recognized first through third-year students at an awards and pinning ceremony Thursday, March 23, in the Don Morris Room of the Memorial Student Center. Additionally, six students joined Rho Chi, a national pharmacy academic honor society, during a subsequent induction ceremony.

The Marshall University School of Pharmacy celebrated its seventh graduating class Thursday, April 28, at the Keith-Albee Performing Arts Center in Huntington.

Twelve Marshall University School of Pharmacy students joined the national pharmacy academic honor society, the Rho Chi Society, during an induction ceremony at the Memorial Student Center Friday, April 1.

Marshall University School of Pharmacy recognized first through third year students at an awards and pinning ceremony Friday, April 1 in the Don Morris Room of the Memorial Student Center on Marshall’s Huntington campus.

Allison Green has been named director of student and alumni engagement at the Marshall University  School of Pharmacy.

Marshall University School of Pharmacy has joined the RAPID Alliance Medications 360 Study, which aims to transform how medications and vaccines are delivered in the United States.

Fourth-year Marshall University School of Pharmacy students William Justin Mays (left) and Elijah Piatt won the 2021 clinical skills competition sponsored by the Marshall University Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (MUSSP).

The Marshall University School of Pharmacy is one of only two pharmacy programs in the U.S. to receive a diversity track scholarship from the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation. The $15,000 award will support an initiative to increase underrepresented minorities enrolled in Marshall’s pharmacy program.

The Marshall University School of Pharmacy formally welcomed its first-year pharmacy students at its 10th annual White Coat Ceremony, Friday, August 20, in the Don Morris Room at the Memorial Student Center. “This tradition, which dates back to the late 1800s, welcomes pharmacy students beginning their path to one of the most trusted professions,” said

Denise Dawley and Samuel Tetteh-Quarshie are the first graduates of the Marshall University School of Pharmacy’s  master’s degree program in pharmaceutical and health sciences (M.S.P.S.).