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Charles “CT” Mitchell

Classes of 1953 & 1970

C. T. Mitchell graduated with an A.B. at Marshall in 1953 and a M. A. J. in 1970. After working for a couple of years for his hometown newspaper, The Williamson News, Mitchell moved to The Huntington Advertiser where he was city editor from 1960 to 1972. For nearly 20 years he headed Marshall’s University Relations Department before becoming assistant to the Marshall president in the 1990s. He advised eight Marshall University presidents. In 2006, former Marshall president, Robert Hayes, asked Mitchell to collaborate on writing the book, “$7000 in the Bank: The Remarkable Story of Marshall University’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine.” Mitchell is also recognized as a founding board member, and later chairman of the board of directors, of Green Acres Regional Center for the Developmentally Disabled as well as Prestera Center. He is noted as a loyal volunteer for Green Acres.