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School of Pharmacy receives gift from anonymous donor; funds given through Foundation for the Tri-State Community

The Marshall University School of Pharmacy has received a $10,000 gift to use for the school’s most pressing needs, including student support.

The donors, who wish to remain anonymous, chose to support the growth of the school of pharmacy by making a charitable contribution through the Foundation for the Tri-State Community.

“Our foundation was pleased to make this gift through a donor-advised fund, which is a mechanism that allows donors to select over time their gift recipients while receiving an immediate tax benefit,” said Mary Witten Wiseman, president of the Foundation for the Tri-State Community. “Supporting the Tri-State community at large, including Marshall University, is our mission specific and we are thrilled to help the school of pharmacy.“

Marshall’s School of Pharmacy will use the gift to support its greatest needs. Dean Kevin Yingling, R.Ph., M.D., says the unrestricted support is particularly important because of the school’s infancy.

“This gift allows us flexibility to meet needs as they are identified,” Yingling said. “As a new school, we are just beginning to receive philanthropic support, something that is extremely important to our growing school. We are so grateful to our anonymous donors and the Foundation for the Tri-State Community for their generosity.”

Year-end giving is possible through Dec. 31. For more information about philanthropic support for the school of pharmacy, please contact Chris Anderson, associate vice president at the Marshall University Foundation, 304-696-3966 or e-mail at