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Psychology announces placement of doctoral students

Every student from Marshall University’s doctorate of clinical psychology program were matched with a pre-doctoral internship site this week.

The competitive process, similar to a physician’s residency, saw 4,000 applications from across the US this year, with not enough internship slots for every applicant, according to Dr. Keith Beard, director of Marshall’s Psy.D. program.

“The fact that we had 100 percent of our students match to an internship site speaks to our training program and the quality of our students,” Beard said. “It is an accomplishment that is impressive and one that Marshall can be proud.”

The internship is a rite of passage: it’s typically the last requirement for students before being awarded the doctorate in clinical psychology. Students are required to provide full-time mental health services at their site for a year.

Marshall’s Psy.D. program accepted its first class in 2002 and was granted accreditation by the American Psychological Association in 2006. The program is one of the few programs in the country that focuses on training psychologists to work with rural populations.

Below are the names of the students and their matched internship sites:

  • Kellee Boster – University Texas Health Science Center-Houston, Houston, Texas
  • Josh Carter – Huntington VA Medical Center, Huntington, West Virginia
  • Emma Cogar – Chillicothe VAMC, Chillicothe, Ohio
  • Kelsey Cook – Federal Medical Center – Carswell, Fort Worth, Texas
  • Alyssa Frye – Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina
  • David Mandich – Southwest Virginia Psych Doctoral Int. Consortium, Stone Mountain Health Services, Pennington Gap, Virginia
  • Michelle Meese – Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, West Virginia
  • Karla Moore – Federal Medical Center – Lexington, Drug Abuse Program Rotation​, Lexington, Kentucky
  • Paul (Buddy) Robrecht – Huntington VA Medical Center, Huntington, West Virginia
  • Britni Ross – Cherokee Health Systems, Knoxville, Tennessee
  • Camille Uncapher – Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland
  • John (Jake) Van Horn – Appalachian Psychology Internship/Woodland Centers, Gallipolis, Ohio

For more information about Marshall’s Psychology program, visit For more information about this internship, contact Beard at