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Eighth graders win awards for ‘Words of Reflection’

Six eighth-grade students from Huntington Middle School won the fifth annual “Words of Reflection” Writing Contest, and were recognized for doing so in an awards ceremony following the annual Diversity Breakfast Monday, Feb. 29, at Marshall University.

The purpose of the contest is for the students to reflect upon their lives and write about obstacles in their lives that they want to overcome, obstacles in their lives that they have overcome, inspirational people in their lives, and the impact that they want to make in life.

Charles C. Meyers Jr., a 2013 Marshall grad, developed the contest in 2012 “as a way for the students to realize the value of their own personal stories.”

“The winners of the 5th Annual ‘Words of Reflection’ Writing Contest are very gifted and empowering writers,” Meyers said. “Each of their contest entries was unique to their personal journey in life. In this life, we are shaped by our experiences, the individuals in our lives and the impact we want to have in society. It is always important to reflect on our lives to truly understand and appreciate who we are and who we are destined to become. I am very proud of the winners for being able to share their stories and understand the value of the journey they are on in life.”

The winning students and their stores are:
• Peter Cullen Burbery – “Overcoming Narcolepsy”
• Shylah Rahchal Johnson – “Once A Young Girl”
• Tia Francetta Antoinette Wooding – “F.L.J”
• Raiven Denise Scott – “My Story”
• Sarah Nicole Graham – “Abuse Awareness”
• Katelyn Aluise – “Life Is A Chain”

“The main reason why the Huntington Middle School students were able to attend the Diversity Breakfast was because the breakfast is a celebration of everyone’s stories and journeys,” Meyers said. “The Awards Ceremony after the Diversity Breakfast recognized the students who have won, allowed the students to receive their framed certificates and gift bags and allowed them to share their stories.”

Choosing the winners was Meyers’ staff, which consists of Marshall students Anthony Bady, Hillary Coleman, Adanne Gibbs and Eugenia Quaye.


Photo: Winners of the “Words of Reflection” contest are, from left, Shylah Rahchal Johnson; Raiven Denise Scott; Tia Francetta Antoinette Wooding, Sarah Nicole Graham, Katelyn Aluise and Peter Cullen Burbery. To their left is Charles C. Meyers Jr., who created the contest in 2012.