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School of Medicine welcomes students for Project P.R.E.M.E.D.

Students from universities and colleges across the nation are scheduled to arrive Monday for the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine’s Project P.R.E.M.E.D. (Providing Real World Experiences for future Marshall Educated Doctors).

The annual program provides undergraduate students of color the opportunity to experience medical school through a series of hands-on activities like suturing instruction, robotic surgery demonstrations and round-robin discussions with current medical students and residents about life in medical school and as a physician.

Shelvy L. Campbell, Ph.D., assistant dean of diversity at the school of medicine, says the pipeline program gives students a close-up look into the processes of applying to and attending medical school.

Campbell says 18 students are participating in Project P.R.E.M.E.D. this year and represent the University of Louisville, University of Kentucky, West Virginia University, University of Charleston, Bluefield State College, Howard University, Marquette University, University of Missouri-Columbia and Florida A&M University, among others.

For information, contact Campbell at 304-691-1607