International Cooperation Agreement Signed


The Sunshine Ambassador Cooperation Agreement was signed between Marshall University (MU) and Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU).

The purpose of the agreement is to increase opportunities for matriculated ZJNU students to study at MU after their initial two years of study at ZJNU. Meeting admission standards of MU, the students will be admitted into the undergraduate degree program in MU Lewis College of Business (LCOB) to continue their study. Credits earned at ZJNU will be accepted by MU as the MU equivalent and used toward meeting MU graduation requirements. The graduates from the LCOB will earn bachelor degrees from MU. Qualified graduates can apply and be admitted into graduate programs in the LCOB. They will be able to earn a master degree after completing additional 36 graduate credit hours.

There are twenty-two students enrolled in the inaugural program starting fall 2016 (for a current list of the students click here). Congratulations to the enrolled students and we look forward to hearing from you and assisting you in the coming years.

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