Contact Us

About International Student Affairs

The Office of International Student Affairs seeks to provide a full range of engaging supports and growth opportunities for every international student that arrives at this university to maximize their success. We will create ongoing, progressive, and innovative intercultural learning experiences for all of our students through this new opportunity of emerging cultures and people from around the globe. This office encompasses a variety of student services designed to provide the necessary support and enrichment for the Marshall student campus life. Think of Marshall ISA as an international student’s one-stop-shop for help and answers.


Preferred Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Director Intercultural and International Students
East Hall Intercultural Center - Room 233
Preferred Pronouns: He, Him, His
International Student Center Graduate Assistant
East Hall Intercultural Center - International Student Center - Room 213

Find Support
Old Main 105

Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm

Call or chat with us on WhatsApp +1-304-696-3208