The Social Scientist – Spring 2021 Newsletter


Wow, what a time to be a social scientist?? Think about it…with all of the challenges and changes we are faced with today as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, there simply is no better time to study social interaction (or distancing as the case may be), family, the workplace, race relations, politics, aging, public health, or the role that religion or sports, leisure, and recreation have in society. Social scientists are well positioned to explore these topics and more!

As we come to the end of yet another virtual semester, allow me to take a minute to thank our department faculty, staff, and students for all of their hard work, dedication, and resiliency over the last few weeks. I think it’s safe to say that nearly all of us are experiencing “screen fatigue” or some form of physical and or emotional exhaustion from increased screen time. I can’t thank our faculty, staff, and students enough for their willingness to adapt to these changes in both learning, instruction, meetings, and club events. Hopefully the Fall 2021 semester will see us return back to the classroom with minor adjustments and as the number of people vaccinated continues to climb and we reach herd immunity.

To our majors, minors, and graduating seniors, we offer our most sincere congratulations! Many of you were juggling additional family and work responsibilities, or the loss of an income, while trying to complete your class requirements. You did well! For those moving on, we wish you all the best. For those returning, we look forward to seeing you back in the classroom this Fall.

For all of us, the end of the spring semester is a time for remembrance. We take stock of where we came from, and have a moment to think about where we are going, as we pursue the future with hope. May your future be all that you hope for, and may it be sprinkled with love and friendship.

Kristi M. Fondren
Professor and Chair

Read the complete Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Spring 2021 Newsletter

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