
FYS Students of Marshall – an Instagram and StoryCorps project

Catalog Course Description:  Students will learn integrative/critical thinking skills integral to life-long learning through discussion, interaction, discovery, problem solving, writing, research, reflection, and examination of multicultural/international issues.


The overall goal of this class is to start practicing using the tools and skills that any college graduate will need in work and in life. By the time you graduate from Marshall University, you will be a much better problem solver than you are now. You will have expertise in using nine major tools (alone or together) to understand an issue, accomplish a complex task, or fix a problem. The nine tools (aka Core Domains) are:

  • communication fluency
  • creative thinking
  • ethical and civic thinking
  • information literacy
  • integrative thinking
  • intercultural thinking
  • inquiry based thinking
  • metacognitive thinking
  • quantitative thinking

This class will give you the chance to dig in and practice using five of these tools (the highlighted ones) right away. You will use your toolbox with these tools to achieve the following learning outcomes designed for this course:

Information Literacy – You will:

–        revise your search strategies and employ appropriate research tools,

–        integrate relevant information from reliable sources,

–        question and evaluate the complexity of the information environment, and

–        use information in an ethical manner.

Integrative Thinking – You will:

–        make connections among varied disciplines, domains of thinking, experiences, and situations.

transfer skills and learning among varied disciplines, domains of thinking, experiences, and situations.

Inquiry Based Thinking – You will:

–        formulate focused questions and hypotheses,

–        evaluate existing knowledge,

–        collect and analyze data, and

–        draw justifiable conclusions.

(In this class, you will do this by forming conclusions, judgments or inferences, and evaluating those of others)

Intercultural Thinking – You will:

–        evaluate generalizations about cultural groups,

–        analyze how cultural beliefs might affect communication across cultures,

–        evaluate how specific approaches to global issues will affect multiple cultural communities, and

–        untangle competing economic, religious, social or geographical interests of cultural groups in conflict.

Metacognitive Thinking – You will:

–        evaluate the effectiveness of your project plan or strategy to determine the degree of improvement in your knowledge and skills.

(In this class we will approach Metacognitive Thinking as a way to understand how you learn, building awareness of your learning process)


April Fugett, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
109 Old Main

Jennifer Morgan
Office Administrator
109 Old Main