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2018 – 2019 Distance Learning Tuition & Fees

Students in Distance Learning Programs will be assessed prorated Distance tuition based on their level up to the appropriate hours cap (12 Hours Undergrad/9 Hours Grad). A student must be enrolled in a Distance Program and be designated as a Distance Student to be assessed Distance Tuition.

The designation can be appealed by submitting a Request for Change in Distance/Regular Student Enrollment Form to the Office of the Registrar.  The deadline for submitting an appeal is the last day of the fall/spring late registration/schedule adjustment (add-drop) period.  The completed and signed request should be faxed to the Registrar at 304-696-6476, scanned and emailed to, or mailed to the Office of the Registrar, 106A Old Main, One John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV 25755.

Students can find the complete list of Distance Learning Programs here.

Tuition & Fees
Per Credit Hour Full Time
Classification Tuition Fees Total Tuition Fees Total
Undergraduate 254.25 40.00 294.25 3,050.00 480.00* 3,530.00
Graduate 365.75 40.00 405.75 3,290.00 360.00* 3,650.00

*An additional $40 per credit hour will be assessed for every credit hour over full time (Undergraduate – 12 hours, Graduate 9 hours)

Distance Students in these programs are not expected to have a campus or classroom presence during their academic careers and are afforded a distance tuition rate in lieu of regular tuition and fees. The special distance tuition rate is set with the understanding that students have needs and interests different from those students paying regular tuition and fees. Specifically,

  • Distance Students are generally restricted from participating in and/or gaining access to certain university activities and events. They are eligible for certain student services related to their program such as advising, career planning, etc., as well as other student support services.
  • Distance Students are not eligible for graduate assistantship opportunities.
  • Distance Students are prohibited from registering for and attending traditional face-to-face classes. Exceptions to this include courses in which the student participates only via an electronic link (video and/or audio) and graduate courses for staff development offered through the College of Education and Professional Development.
  • Distance Students who register for a traditional face-to-face course may have that registration removed from the student schedule.
  • Distance Students who revert to a regular enrollment status to register for and attend one or more traditional face-to-face classes may not be able to be approved for subsequent return to Distance Student status to be eligible for the Distance Student tuition rate.
  • Distance Students who change majors to a different degree program will automatically revert to a regular enrollment status. Such students must reapply for designation as a Distance Student even when changing directly to another qualifying distance program.

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