New WAC certification

Two kinds of WAC certification

  • Option A (Portfolio). This certification requires a WAC portfolio. This option can only be started once you have taught at least one WI course, which is taught under option B certification. Instructors with Option A certification can request the WI designation on their classes without first submitting a syllabus for review. Complete information about portfolios is available in the WAC organization in MU Online, and the WAC office is glad to discuss the portfolio process with you individually.
  • Option B (Non-portfolio). This certification begins by attending a fall or spring WAC event for new WAC faculty. Instructors with this certification need to submit a syllabus for each WI course and complete the online self-evaluation form. Each class must be reviewed by the WAC office before the WI designation can be applied.

Steps to teach a WI course

  1. Attend a WAC training session. There is a fall WAC workshop and a spring WAC symposium. Either of these will allow you to begin the certification process.
  2. Make sure your course meets all of the WAC requirements.
  3. Submit your course materials. WAC instructors who are not portfolio certified need to submit a syllabus for each WI course. The submission form includes the syllabus self-evaluation questions.
  4. Recertify every three years. Information about recertification is given in the document Continue and Recertify as a WAC instructor.

Contact Us

WAC Office
Center For Teaching and Learning
Old Main 109
Telephone: 304-696-2206

WAC Director

Dr. Georgiana Logan

WAC Graduate Assistant

Rashawn Hunter

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