Counselor In Residence

What is the Counselor In Residence position?

The Counselor In Residence (CIR) is a doctoral-track student from Marshall University’s Psy. D. program who has been selected to live on campus and provide psychological services to student residents.  The CIR offers short-term, walk-in counseling during office hours, house calls, and crisis intervention with the goal of referring students to other, more established resources on campus.  The CIR position focuses on outreach and psychoeducation as well as giving presentations on mental health, wellness, and resources at the university.  Additionally, the CIR position delivers consultation services to Residence Advisors and other Housing and Residence Life staff regarding ongoing student concerns.

Meet the CIR
Jaxson Miller
Counselor in Residence
Location: Twin Towers East CIR Office
Telephone: 304-696-5265


With the rise of awareness and prevalence of mental health issues on college campuses, the goal of the Counselor In Residence position is to deliver counseling, psychoeducation, and outreach awareness inside the comfort of students’ own residence halls. By reducing the difficulty of accessing care, the CIR position fosters positive mental health outcomes for the students it serves.

Walk-In Procedure for Students

If you are an individual who is interested in seeking out services, there are several ways to contact the CIR.  Generally speaking, talking to an RA or a Housing and Residence Life staff member will give you preliminary information.  In addition, the CIR’s contact information and office hours are listed at the bottom of this page for access.

After making contact, here’s a short step-wise process that will get you to the Counselor In Residence:

  1. Find and enter Twin Towers East.
  2. Sign-in on the special Counselor In Residence sheet.
  3. Retrieve a CIR pass at the front desk.
  4. Walk down the hallway past the mailboxes and the CIR office is the next right you can take (a sign should be located on the wall directing you).  The area should have chairs for you to sit in while you wait.
  5. Use your phone and follow the link you’ll see on the billboard for either a new and returning student, based upon which category applies to you.  A paper form is also available if a student doesn’t have a phone.  After completing a paper form, simply knock on the door gently and the CIR will come as soon as possible.  (Please note: The CIR will not see you until the intake or returner form is completed.)
  6. Wait until the CIR comes to greet you.  If the CIR is already with a student, the wait time will be listed on the bulletin board.  If no wait time is written, the CIR will see you in about three minutes or less.

Telehealth Procedure for Students

Telehealth in general is the dissemination of any health information or healthcare services delivered through telecommunications. What that looks like with the CIR is a videoconference set up through Microsoft teams. Videoconferences are the preferred method because the video feed allows the therapist to gather valuable information relevant to rapport building and treatment.

  1. Follow the posted link to complete the intake form.
  2. There you may choose an appointment time from the options listed in the form, or choose to not select a time and arrange an appointment time with the CIR via email.
  3. Once finished await an email from the CIR  with a Microsoft Teams link for your session.
  4. It is preferred, but not necessary, that students attend sessions with their cameras on to facilitate the  best possible therapeutic interaction.

Spring 2025 Hours

Monday: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday: 4 to 9 p.m.

Thursday: 2 to 8 p.m.

Friday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.