Banned Books 2017 – Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary

Marshall University does not ban books! The information is provided to let people know what has been banned/challenged elsewhere.


At the state-run Foreign Language Bookstore in Shanghai, China, it was noticed that two entire pages were removed from every copy of the dictionary to cover up the entry for Taiwan because it contradicts China’s official line on the disputed island.


Pulled from the Menifee (CA) Union School District because a parent complained when a child came across the term “oral sex.” Officials said the district is forming a committee to consider a permanent classroom ban of the dictionary.

On These Pages

A Banned book has been removed from a library, classroom, etc.
A Challenged book has been requested to be removed from a library, classroom, etc.

For additional information contact

Ron Titus,

Last updated

July 20, 2017