Banned Books 2009 – The New Joy of Sex

Marshall University does not ban books! The information is provided to let people know what has been banned/challenged elsewhere.


Challenged at the Nampa (ID) Public Library along with seven other books because “they are very pornographic in nature and have very explicit and detailed illustrations and photographs which we feel don’t belong in a library.” The library board approved policy changes that restrict children’s access to any holdings that may fall under the state’s harmful to minors statue and barred the library from buying movies rated NC-17 or X.


Relocated to the director’s office at the Nampa (ID) Public Library to be accessed by patrons who specifically request the book. Originally challenged in 2005 along with seven other books because “they are very pornographic in nature and have very explicit and detailed illustrations and photographs which we feel don’t belong in a library.”

On These Pages

A Banned book has been removed from a library, classroom, etc.
A Challenged book has been requested to be removed from a library, classroom, etc.

For additional information contact

Ron Titus,

Last updated

August 9, 2010