Our mission is to provide efficient and quality cleaning services to all Marshall University facilities, as well as ensuring a well maintained and safe environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Marshall University has Campus Service Workers (CSWs) that care and maintain 13 of our buildings and contract custodial services with Atalian for 18 buildings. Marshall University CSWs and Atalian operate a day shift and evening/night shift to care for over 2,200,000 square feet of building space. Contact information is below.
Responsibilities include:
- Disinfecting restrooms and locker rooms
- Servicing offices, classrooms, labs, auditoriums, lounges, entryways, hallways, elevators, stairwells, patios, and other common place across campus
- Emptying recycling and trash receptacles
- Provide assistance with emergency situations
- Removal of ice & snow at building entrances
Marshall University Buildings include:
- Old Main
- Smith Hall Complex
- Science Hall
- Henderson Center & Gullickson Hall
- Joan C. Edwards Fine Arts Building
- Myers Hall
- BioTech Building
- Forensic Science Complex
- Weisburg Applied Engineering Complex
Contracted Buildings include:
- Morrow Library
- Harris Hall
- Prichard Hall
- Sorrell Maintenance Building
- East Hall
- Jenkins Hall
- Corbly Hall
- Placement Center
- Jomie Jazz Center
- Shewey Building
- Public Safety Building (MUPD)
- Drinko Library
- Art Warehouse
- Child Development Academy
- Welcome Center
- Engineering Lab
- Weight Training Complex
Special Services:
Floor work including carpet extraction, shampooing, floor stripping, or refinishing is scheduled on an annual or bi-annual schedule at no cost. Some floor requests, (non-routine, special requests, ect) may be chargeable to the department that initiated the request.
If you have any concerns or need assistance with a Marshall University CSW cleaned building, please contact Mark Brumfield, Evening Shift Campus Interim Manager at: 304-696-2998 or email: brumfieldma@marshall.edu
Who to contact:
Day Shift Staff (7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Bill Black
Project Manager
Phone: 304-696-2990
Email: blackb@marshall.edu
Paul Glover
Campus Service Worker Assistant Supervisor
Phone: 304-696-3199
Email: gloverp@marshall.edu
Heather Lowe
Interim Campus Service Worker Lead
Email: loweh@marshall.edu
Evening Shift Staff (3:00 p.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
Mark Brumfield
Evening Shift Interim Manager
Phone: 304-696-2998
Email: brumfieldma@marshall.edu
Night Shift Staff (4:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.)
Babette Napier
Asst. Supervisor, Henderson Center
Email: napierb@marshall.edu
Timothy Cline
Asst. Supervisor, Smith Hall
Email: clinet@marshall.edu