Roles and Responsibilities of Standing Committees

From Graduate Council Bylaws: Roles and Responsibilities of Standing Committees

Article VIII. Standing Committees

Section 1. Role of Standing Committees

The primary purpose of standing committees shall be to consider and recommend actions and propose policies in the functional areas under their jurisdictions, subject to final approval by the Council.

Section 2. Membership of Standing Committees

a.   After consultation with the involved individuals, the Graduate Council Chair shall appoint members to serve one or two academic years as the Chair judges needful so as to maintain continuity and stability within standing committees. One of the goals of this appointment to one or two years is to help provide for a term-balancing of standing committee membership with terms arranged to expire in different years.

b.   The Chair of the Graduate Council and the Graduate Dean shall be ex officio and non- voting members of each standing committee.

c.   Each standing committee shall elect its own chair annually.

Section 3. Duties of Standing Committee Chairs

The duties of the chair shall include:

1.   Scheduling meetings

2.   Preparing agendas

3.   Presiding over meetings

4.   Preparing an annual report

5.   Performing other duties as consistent with the efficient management of the committee.


Section 4. Vacancies on Standing Committees

The Council Chair shall appoint members to vacancies on standing committees for the reminder of the academic year.

Section 5. Standing Committees Titles and Responsibilities a. Standing Graduate Committees

1.   Credentialing

2.   Curriculum

3.   Academic Planning, Standards, and Policies

4.   Program Review and Assessment


Section 6. Functions and Membership a.  Credentialing Committee

1.  Functions:

a.    Recommends criteria for graduate faculty membership to the Graduate Council. b.     Reviews graduate faculty membership applications for recommendation to the

Graduate Council.

2. Membership:  At least three Council members.

b. Curriculum Committee

1.   Functions:

a.    Recommends course changes, additions, and deletions.

b.   Reviews and makes recommendations regarding additions and/or deletion of degree programs, areas of emphasis, and certificate programs.

c.    Evaluates existing courses

2.   Membership:  At least three council members.

c. Academic Planning, Standards, and/or Policies Committee

1.   Function:

a.    Recommends general policies for admission, progression, and graduation of students. b.    Recommends general academic policies.

c.    Recommends other policies related to academic area.

d.   Engages in long-range planning and recommends program development.

2.   Membership:  At least three council members.

d.   Program Review and Assessment Committee

1.   Function:

a.    Reviews annual Assessment Reports submitted by each graduate program

b.   Reports its evaluation to the Council for recommendations and actions, after which the Council Chair may report Council recommendations and actions to the University Director of Assessment

c.    Engages in long-range planning and recommendations in the area of program review and assessment

2.   Membership:  At least three council members.

Article IX. Ad Hoc Committees

The Council Chair shall form ad hoc committees for special tasks as necessary through appointment of members.

Article X. Robert’s Rules

The Council shall be governed by the rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition)

unless otherwise set forth in these bylaws.


Article XI. Amending Bylaws

a. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all voting members of the


b. Notice of any proposed amendment must be given to all members of the Council at least one week prior to the meeting at wh Article VIII. Standing Committees

Section 1. Role of Standing Committees

The primary purpose of standing committees shall be to consider and recommend actions and propose policies in the functional areas under their jurisdictions, subject to final approval by the Council.

Section 2. Membership of Standing Committees

d.   After consultation with the involved individuals, the Graduate Council Chair shall appoint members to serve one or two academic years as the Chair judges needful so as to maintain continuity and stability within standing committees. One of the goals of this appointment to one or two years is to help provide for a term-balancing of standing committee membership with terms arranged to expire in different years.

e.   The Chair of the Graduate Council and the Graduate Dean shall be ex officio and non- voting members of each standing committee.

f.    Each standing committee shall elect its own chair annually.

Section 3. Duties of Standing Committee Chairs

The duties of the chair shall include:

6.   Scheduling meetings

7.   Preparing agendas

8.   Presiding over meetings

9.   Preparing an annual report

10. Performing other duties as consistent with the efficient management of the committee.

Section 4. Vacancies on Standing Committees

The Council Chair shall appoint members to vacancies on standing committees for the reminder of the academic year.

Section 5. Standing Committees Titles and Responsibilities a. Standing Graduate Committees

5.   Credentialing

6.   Curriculum

7.   Academic Planning, Standards, and Policies

8.   Program Review and Assessment

Section 6. Functions and Membership a.  Credentialing Committee

1.  Functions:

a.    Recommends criteria for graduate faculty membership to the Graduate Council. b.     Reviews graduate faculty membership applications for recommendation to the

Graduate Council.

2. Membership:  At least three Council members.


b. Curriculum Committee

2.   Functions:

a.    Recommends course changes, additions, and deletions.

b.   Reviews and makes recommendations regarding additions and/or deletion of degree programs, areas of emphasis, and certificate programs.

c.    Evaluates existing courses.

2.   Membership:  At least three council members.

c. Academic Planning, Standards, and/or Policies Committee

1.   Function:

a.    Recommends general policies for admission, progression, and graduation of students. b.    Recommends general academic policies.

c.    Recommends other policies related to academic area.

d.   Engages in long-range planning and recommends program development.

2.   Membership:  At least three council members.

d.   Program Review and Assessment Committee

1.   Function:

a.    Reviews annual Assessment Reports submitted by each graduate program

b.   Reports its evaluation to the Council for recommendations and actions, after which the Council Chair may report Council recommendations and actions to the University Director of Assessment

c.    Engages in long-range planning and recommendations in the area of program review and assessment

2.   Membership:  At least three council members.

Article IX. Ad Hoc Committees

The Council Chair shall form ad hoc committees for special tasks as necessary through appointment of members.

Article X. Robert’s Rules

The Council shall be governed by the rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition)

unless otherwise set forth in these bylaws.

Article XI. Amending Bylaws

a. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all voting members of the


b. Notice of any proposed amendment must be given to all members of the Council at least one week prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.