Graduate Council


Effective Fall 2024 – All Graduate Planning and Curricular Requests must be made through CourseLeaf CIM. Paper forms will NOT be accepted. See CourseLeaf CIM Instructions below

CourseLeaf CIM Instructions

Who We Are

The Marshall University Graduate Council makes policy recommendations with respect to the graduate education mission of the university to the university President. Specific functions include: facilitation of long range planning for graduate education at Marshall University; recommendation of new programs and courses; evaluation of existing programs and courses; facilitation of graduate accreditation; recommendation of promotion and tenure policies related to graduate education; recommendation of approval of graduate faculty to the university President.

Curriculum and Program Requests

All Curriculum and Program requests are due on the 1st day of the month before the next meeting of Graduate Council. Graduate Council meets January, February, March, April, September, October and November (or December, depending on the fall holiday break).

Graduate Faculty Status BOG UPAA-13 Graduate Faculty Membership

The Marshall University Board of Governors approved changes to UPAA-13 Graduate Faculty Membership at the April 2023 BOG meeting. The policy update in UPAA-13 will results in meaningful changes for Graduate Faculty and College Administrators. Implementation of the changes will occur over the Summer 2023 semester. The changes will occur as faculty apply or renew their graduate faculty status.  New application forms are being developed to facilitate a smooth transition. We hope to have the new forms available on the GC website by June 1, 2023.

Summary of Major Revisions to UPAA-13

  • Added information related to “ethical research practices” in 2.1.2.
    • Added conditions for removal or change for breach of ethical practices in 2.9.
    • Added IRB completion as a requirement for Graduate Chair Faculty in
  • Changed the number of levels of graduate faculty status from four to three.
    • 5.1 Graduate Chair Faculty (for thesis and dissertation chairs)
    • 5.2 Graduate Faculty
    • 5.3 Associate Graduate Faculty (combined elements from Associate and Instructor)
  • Added “degree applicable” in 2.6.
  • Added a consistent timeline for terms to end each semester in 2.10.
  • Added a provision for Emeritus faculty in 6.2.
  • Related to the lowest level of status
    • Removed stipulation that only the dean and not GC approves this level of status
    • Removed indication that this level does not appear in the database
  • Updated the conditions for appeal under 7.2
    • Added a timeframe to appeal a GC decision in

John and Frances Rucker Award for Graduate Advising

Click here for information.

Accelerated Master’s Degree

Consider proposing an accelerated master’s degree for your program.
The new degree gives you a great opportunity to recruit your best undergraduate students and to help them save both time and money!
Click here to get started!

Procedure for Conflict of Interest in Thesis/Dissertation Committees

Click here

Graduate Expedited Admissions Policy

Policy and List of Opt-In Programs

New Policies Approved by the Graduate Council and President Smith in December 2023. Details of the following approved policies can be found at

  • Graduate Intent to Plan and Degree Approval Pathway (GC-23-12-02-PC)

The approved new pathway will significantly increase the ITP/Degree approval process without changing the shared governance structure

  • Graduate Admission Criteria Change: Conditional and Provisional Admissions (GC-23-12-03-PC)

The change allows programs to accept students conditionally and/or provisionally unless the program has specifically stated otherwise in their program-specific admissions language.

  • Graduate Admission Criteria Change – Transcripts (GC-23-12-04-PC)

The change will allow international students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from a non-US institution and a graduate degree from a US institution to be fully admitted by providing the official transcript for the graduate degree.

  • Catalog Change: Definition of Full-Time Status for Summer Graduate Students (GC-23-12-05-PC)

The change defines full-time summer course load as 6 credit hours. and half-time summer credit load is 3 credit hours.

Cross-Level Linked Courses Policy

Cross-Level Linked Courses Policy


Meeting Schedule & Agenda

    2024-2025: FRIDAY, 1PM - 3 PM

  • August 30, 2024 (MSC 2w16b + Teams)
  • September 27, 2024 (Drinko 349 + Teams)
  • October 25, 2024 (MSC 2w16b + Teams)
  • November 22, 2024 (MSC 2w16b + Teams)
  • January 31, 2025 (MSC 2w16b + Teams)
  • February 28, 2025 (Drinko 349 + Teams)
  • March 28, 2025 (MSC 2w16b +Teams)
  • April 18, 2025 (MSC 2w16b + Teams)
    • As voted on by the Graduate Council in April 2023, all future GC meetings will be held on the Huntington campus with a hybrid (Teams) option.

      The draft agenda will be posted on the GC website (AGENDAS) one week in advance. The final agenda will be posted on Thursday before the Friday meeting.

      All members of the Academic Affairs Council are invited to attend the GC meetings, additional, we make an effort to invite individuals who submit a planning or curricular request. To request the electronic meeting link for Microsoft Teams, please email Richard Egleton (Chair),

      All requests are due on or before the first of the month. For example. to be placed on the agenda for the October meeting, all requests must electronically advanced to the GC by October 1.