How to Become a Member of Graduate Faculty

BOG UPAA-13 Graduate Faculty Membership

The Marshall University Board of Governors recently approved changes to UPAA-13 Graduate Faculty Membership at the April 2023 BOG meeting. The policy update will results in meaningful changes for Graduate Faculty and College Administrators. Implementation of the changes will occur over the Summer 2023 semester. The changes will occur as faculty apply or renew their graduate faculty status.  New application forms have been developed to facilitate a smooth transition.

Summary of Major Revisions to UPAA-13

  • Added information related to “ethical research practices” in 2.1.2.
    • Added conditions for removal or change for breach of ethical practices in 2.9.
    • Added IRB completion as a requirement for Graduate Chair Faculty in
  • Changed the number of levels of graduate faculty status from four to three.
    • 5.1 Graduate Chair Faculty (for thesis and dissertation chairs)
    • 5.2 Graduate Faculty
    • 5.3 Associate Graduate Faculty (combined elements from Associate and Instructor)
  • Added “degree applicable” in 2.6.
  • Added a consistent timeline for terms to end each semester in 2.10.
  • Added a provision for Emeritus faculty in 6.2.
  • Related to the lowest level of status
    • Removed stipulation that only the dean and not GC approves this level of status
    • Removed indication that this level does not appear in the database
  • Updated the conditions for appeal under 7.2
    • Added a timeframe to appeal a GC decision in


Participating in graduate education requires faculty whose education, professional experience, scholarly research and creative work, and commitment to the discipline is of the highest caliber.

Graduate faculty are required to adhere to the ethical research practices of their field when conducting research and when guiding the research of graduate students. All research should be in compliance with applicable law and the policies and procedures of Marshall University, the Marshall University Research Corporation, Marshall Health, Marshall University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), as applicable.

Redbook: The Redbook contains a listing of faculty members who have been approved for various classifications of Graduate Faculty status.

Application Process

  1. Read the MU Board of Governors UPAA-13 Policy on Graduate Faculty Membership.
    This policy provides complete details on membership criteria, application process, etc.
  2. Read the Procedures For Applying For Or Renewing Graduate Faculty Status
  3. Fill in the Coversheet (required of all applicants).
  4. Fill in the appropriate Checklist form:
  5. Review additional criteria your college may require for Graduate Faculty status:
    1. College of Liberal Arts
  6. Obtain signatures on the Coversheet and Checklist and submit to your Dean.

With the approval of your Dean, your approved status and term will be entered into a temporary section of the Redbook directory of graduate faculty which is not visible. Your name will be displayed  in the Redbook once the Graduate Council and the President give final approval.

Membership Terms (Years)
Doctoral 5
Graduate 5
Associate 3

NEW FACULTY SEEKING TEMPORARY GRADUATE FACULTY STATUS FOR FALL 2024 – Please email your forms to Richard Egleton (Chair, Graduate Council) and Carl Mummert (Assistant Provost for Graduate studies)


School of Medicine (SOM) Graduate Faculty Membership Policy

The SOM Graduate faculty membership policy is slightly different than the general Marshall University policy. Graduate Faculty Membership is required to teach Biomedical Research (BMR) courses and to lead and serve on graduate student committees, per Graduate College policy. There are four levels of membership: Doctoral, Graduate, Associate, and Instructor.

  • The instructor level is for faculty who teach graduate courses.
  • The Associate level is for non-tenure track faculty to serve on BMR master’s and doctoral (Ph.D.) student committees.
  • The Graduate level is for tenure-track faculty to serve on BMR master’s and doctoral (Ph.D.) student committees.
  • The Doctoral level is for tenure-track faculty to chair BMR master’s and doctoral (Ph.D.) student committees.

The term of appointment for the SOM Doctoral level is three years; the terms for the other levels are two years. Membership requires evidence of scholarly activity as determined by peer-reviewed publications, extramural grants submitted and/or funded, and presentations at scientific meetings. Applications may be downloaded from the Marshall University Graduate College website. The BMR Graduate Studies Committee approves all applications for Graduate Faculty membership.