MU Mail Processing Guidelines



Thank you for helping us to process your mail efficiently and in a timely manner.  Your mail will be processed faster if you follow these suggestions:



  • All departments are responsible for maintaining addresses and forwarding all departmental mail.


  • If you change departments or have a change in personnel then you should notify the Supervisor of Mail Services via e-mail at ( of the changes and when they are to take place (preferably the first day of the change).


  • We do not open mailboxes. Please make certain that anyone who picks up mail has the combination card to the mailbox. If you are having problems ask for help.



  • Please address campus mail with the first name, last name and department name of the addressee (We have many departments with the same initials or acronyms so, no abbreviations please!). We do NOT sort mail by room numbers, building names, college names or course abbreviations. So use department names only.


  • All employees may use only one address for their mail even if they work in more than one place (this is to prevent mail from being lost).


  • We have a courier service which goes to MUGC, HEPC, and the WV State Capital Complex (one trip) per day and also Teays’ Valley every Tuesday and Thursday, please have this mail bundled separately and in the mail room by 10:30 am. Courier returns at approximately 3:30 pm.


MAIL TO BE METERED (Needing Postage)

  • Mail to be metered should be stacked with all pieces facing the same direction and secured with a rubber band.  We will be happy to furnish rubber bands.


  • Do not mix mail with postage already on it with mail to be metered. It should be placed in the US Postal Mail Box beside Drinko Library on the College Avenue side in front of the guest parking lot.


  • We can seal only the letter size envelopes (with the flaps up or down – you need to let us know they need sealed if down) as we put postage on them (Caution: Do not mix sealed and unsealed letters the machines will rip any sealed envelopes mixed in. So please, notify us if they need to be sealed.)


  • Please be sure that your Department Mail Code is on your mail or the bundle and that you do not mix different mail codes to insure proper billing.
  • A proper Marshall return and mailing address is: Individual’s Name, Department Name, Marshall University, One John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV 25755-(mail code).


  • Folded fliers sent through the US Mail must be put in an envelope or printed on card stock and the flier should have tabs on it to ensure closure.


  • In order to prevent glossy fliers and postcards from being returned for postage, as the postage smears, a label must be placed where postage should be printed on them. Also either we can supply you stamps to use on them or they can be sent as a permit mailing if it meets the criteria.


  • If the item you are mailing has the bulk imprint you will need to cover the imprint with a label.


  • Avoid dark and neon colors when creating postcards and flyers. The Post Office may refuse to mail dark or neon items (it causes problems with equipment).


  • Large envelopes (over 13oz) and packages are sent at the cheapest rate, unless marked otherwise. We do need to know the content of the parcel so we can determine what classes we can send them.


  • We stop metering mail at 3:45 pm. We suggest that you try to have outgoing mail in the mail room by 3:00 pm., so please time your deliveries accordingly, especially if you need it to go out that same day. First mail in is first mail out.




  • International, Certified, Delivery Confirmation, Priority, Express, Return Receipt for Merchandise, Registered, Signature Confirmation, and Insured mail should not be mixed with other classes. All above classes (except for Express) go out the next day unless we receive them before 9:00 am. (Special arrangements for same day can possibly be made by contacting the Mail room at 696-6644). We have the necessary supplies for each of these services. We suggest that you try to have it in the mail room by 8:45 AM if possible or you can take it to the Us Post Office and return the paperwork to Mail Services.



  • All departments must notify Mail Services of possible bulk mailings prior to printing or one month in advance of mail date to insure money is available on permits.


  • Mail Services must be notified of all large bulk mailings (over $500.00) 30 days prior to the date of mailing.


  • Approved Third Party Vendors must be secured to insure mailing meets NCOA AND CASS certification for the US Postal Services regulation and mail should be bar coded with the intelligent mail barcode.


  • A copy of the NCOA Processing Summary Report and US Postal Services Postage Statement must be provided for ALL mailings to Mail Services prior to mailing and include department name and mail code.