Courier Services

Courier Services:

We have a courier service which goes (one trip per day) to MU Graduate College (South Charleston Campus), Higher Education Policy Commission, and the State Capital Complex on a daily basis and Teays Valley (Tues. & Thurs. Only). Please have this mail separated into seperate bundles in campus mail. Courier Service mail must be in the mailroom by 10:30 am.  The Courier returns at approximately 3:30 pm.


                  Approximate Schedule:                               Approximate Times:

  1.  Leave MU Mail Services                                   11:00 am.

              2.  Arrive Teays Valley (Tues & Thurs Only)        11:30 am.

              3. Arrive MUGC                                                      12:00 pm.

              4.  Lunch Time ½ hour                               12:15 pm.

              5. Arrive at HEPC                                                      1:00 pm.

              6.  Arrive Capital Complex                                        1:20 pm.

              7. Return to HEPC                                                     2:00 pm.

              8. Return to MUGC (if necessary)                           2:15 pm.

               9. Return to MU Mailroom                                     3:30 pm. 

                   Total                                                                3.5 to 4 hours

If you need to know when a package arrives you can give us a call at 304-696-6644 and we can let you know when the courier has returned.