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Student Handbook

Dear Student Employee:

Welcome to Student Center Operations.  You are now an important member of our team.  We hope your employment will be a pleasant and valuable experience.  Your involvement as a student employee of Marshall University is crucial to the success of our mission.  You may or may not realize it, but without your help, our operation could never hope to achieve its objectives.

As a student employee, you represent not only yourself, but also Marshall University and the State of West Virginia.  Many of the University guests, alumni, and your fellow students frequent the buildings on a regular basis.  Each time you interact with one of these individuals, you speak for all of us.

I hope the information contained in this booklet will be of benefit to you.  Please keep the book as a reference and be familiar with its contents.  Good Luck!


Student Center Manager
Student Employee Policy Statement


You are a representative of Marshall University, and as such, you will be expected to conduct yourself accordingly.  Courtesy is expected at all times.


Training will be provided by your supervisor or his or her designee.  Some operation areas within Student Center Operations will schedule training seminars for all employees of that area.  You are required to attend such sessions unless specifically exempted by your supervisor.

Term of Employment

You are employed at the will of your supervisor and the Memorial Student Center Manager for such time as funding is available and your services are required.  Such employment can be terminated by your supervisor or the Memorial Student Center Manager at any time.  You are required to remain a full-time student (12 hours undergraduate or nine hours of graduate school) during the term of your employment (Student Assistants only).  If at any time you drop sufficient hours to lose such full-time status, your employment will be immediately terminated.  You are required to report such schedule changes to your supervisor.

Length of Employment

Your appointed position will be for one academic semester.  Employment for student assistants will be terminated at the end of each semester unless reappointed.  Work-study appointments are on an academic year basis.  Maximum years of continued reappointment will not exceed five years.

Work-study/Student Assistants are confirmed to be eligible for available employment through the Financial Aid Office.  Student Assistants must be full-time students and not be on academic probation.  This will be verified at the beginning and middle of the semester.  New Freshman and Transfer students will be exempted from the grade point restriction until the end of their first semester.

Memorial Student Center Operating Hours

Fall/Spring Term

Monday-Friday           7:30 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Saturday                   8:00 a.m. – Midnight
Sunday                     1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Summer Term

Monday-Friday         8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday  Closed

Hours may vary for areas of operation.  Check with your immediate supervisor to ascertain your area’s actual operating hours.

General Responsibilities, Duties and Expectations

1. Arrive on time for duty.

2. Unexcused absences will not be tolerated.  If you find it necessary to miss work due to an appointment or a school project or meeting, you will need to notify your supervisor in advance of your shift.  Do not leave a message with another student employee.  Do not assume that your hours will be covered when you are unable to attend work, unless you have previously made other arrangements.

3. In the event of illness, notify your supervisor as soon as possible.

4. Do not leave the area unattended at any time unless you have permission from your supervisor.

5. Remain awake and alert at all times.

6. Cooperate with the Student Center Operations staff.

7. Be familiar with University procedures.

8. Know what to do in case of an emergency.

9. Accurately record your hours on the time sheet and enter your time electronically in Web Time.

10 .In case of bad weather in which University classes are canceled, all employees are required to work if they are able to come here.  If you are unable to come in, notify your supervisor of your intended absence immediately.

11. Operating hours for each semester are on the preceeding page.

Personal Traits

The image that the Work-study/Student Assistant present to visitors and customers is a direct reflection of the Department.  It is extremely important that a pleasing and personable image is presented while working.  You can best show your pride in Marshall University by displaying desirable personal qualities.

Pleasantness – It is much easier to gain another person’s confidence if he or she is greeted with a smile.
Dependability – Although there will be days when you would rather be out catching rays or enjoying your favorite pastime, the staff is counting on you to perform your duties.  Regular attendance and proper completion of work are vital to a smooth operation.
Enthusiasm – The duties can often seem rather mundane, repetitive or boring.  It is important, however, that you show enthusiasm for work.  A lack of enthusiasm will be reflected in the quality of your work.
Cooperation – The smooth operation of our area is dependent on the cooperation of every employee.  There will be hectic periods and slow periods, and it is vital that everyone cooperates at all times.
Language – We trust there is no need to elaborate on what is not acceptable.  Vulgarities, cursing and ethnic/racial slurs are prohibited.

Personal Appearance – Being dressed neatly reflects well on both the individual and the University.  Standards of dress that apply to all workers include:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times.  Slippers are not permitted.

2. Torn or extremely faded clothing is not acceptable.

3. T-shirts with slogans that are not in good taste are not acceptable.

4. At no time should a worker sit behind a desk with feet propped up on the desk.

5. Additional dress standards may be required by your immediate supervisor, depending on the area of your assignment.

Professionalism – Professionalism means having a sense of devotion to your job and displaying it in everything you do.

Alcohol – No alcohol is permitted in any area.  (An exception may be made for special functions.)  However, under no circumstances should a student show up for work under the influence of alcohol or partake of any alcohol while on duty.  Such actions would be grounds for immediate dismissal.
Telephone Manners

One of the primary duties of the Work-study/Student Assistant is to act as a source of information for inquiries that come via the telephone.  Following these tips will assure efficient and courteous phone coverage:

Answer Promptly – A prompt answer makes a good impression.  Proper business etiquette requires the Work-study/Student Assistant to answer the phone on the second ring.   Answering on the first ring can startle the caller.

Use a Proper Greeting – Answer with a proper greeting and your name.  (For example, “Good Afternoon, Memorial Student Center, Jane speaking” or “Good Afternoon, Recreation, this is Jane.”)  Never answer the phone with just a “Hello.”

Hold – Put the caller on “hold” while you find the information the caller is seeking.  Do not place the receiver down on the desk without first pressing the “hold” button.  Do not leave the caller on hold for a long period of time.

Information – Give the correct information to the caller as soon as possible.  If you do not know the information, you should say, “I will have someone get back to you on this.  May I have your name and number, please?”

Messages – Always offer to take messages.  Record the time and date of the call, ask for a phone number to return the call, and initial all messages.

Who’s Calling? – When a caller requests to speak with a staff member, the student should say, “May I ask who is calling, please?”  Then, tell the staff member who is calling before he or she answers the phone.

Long Distance Calls – Handle long distance calls promptly.  Do not accept collect calls unless authorized to do so.
Disciplinary Action

All rules, policies and procedures outlined herein are applicable at all times.  Failure to follow these policies can result in probation, suspension, transfer, or termination of your employment at Marshall University.  Obviously, some infractions are of a more serious nature and can result in either your dismissal from the University, or in some instances, criminal prosecution.

Violations include, but are not limited to, the following:

Missing work
Unexcused absences
Neglect of duty
Improper dress
Repeated minor infractions
Evidence of poor judgement
Leaving the desk unoccupied without notifying proper sources
Inappropriate behavior, dress or language

The following violations will result in your immediate dismissal from the Work-study/Student Assistant Program:

Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs
A third unexcused absence
Falsifying time sheets
Leaving the office for an extended period of time while on duty
Making long-distance calls without authorization
Sleeping on duty
Theft of office supplies or money


At the end of each semester, each Work-study/Student Assistant will be formally evaluated.  The evaluation will be based on the student’s attitude, attendance and job performance.  From this evaluation, it will be determined whether the student will be retained for the following semester.

We also ask that you let us know of appropriate things that would make your job more interesting and/or more efficient.

Sample Evaluation Form


STUDENT NAME ______________________           SUPERVISOR     ______________________

DEPARTMENT _________________________          PERIOD COVERED BY EVALUATION FORM  _________  TO  _________


WOULD YOU REHIRE? _______________

Personnel Responsibilities

Payroll Procedures – It is important to realize that your paychecks will be delayed until you have completed the proper payroll procedures.

After confirmation from the Financial Aid Office, you will be assigned to a specific department.

Once you are hired your PAR (Personnel Action Requisition) is filled out.  You will be instructed to visit Human Resources to fill our your I-9.  Then you will be directed to Payroll to complete your W-4 form.

Report to the supervisor of your assigned area to verify your work schedule.

Time Sheets – You will be assigned a time sheet to record your hours.  The time sheet should be kept in the office and not removed for any reason.  Record your time only when you are at work.  Do not fill in your time sheet in advance.  You are required to fill out your hours on Web Time.  It is your responsibility to submit your time on the last day of each pay period.

Warning:  falsifying a time sheet is grounds for immediate dismissal.  Any violators will be subject to further University disciplinary action.  All time sheets will be verified and recorded by the office supervisor on the 15th and 30th of the month.  Your supervisor will approve your time in Web Time.
Pay Periods – The State of West Virginia pays all student employees on the 15th/16th and the final day of each month.

Please note that there is usually about a one-month delay in the issuing of paychecks due to the time necessary to process employment paperwork.

It is the responsibility of the employee to sign his or her time sheet at the completion of each shift.  Even though the State pays on quarter-hour increments, please sign the exact time you begin your shift and the exact time you end it.

Breaks – All employees who work shifts of four or more contiguous hours will be given a fifteen minute break when feasible.  You must schedule the time for your break with your supervisor or with the appropriate manager on duty.

Policies for Specific Areas of Operation – Policies for specific areas will be forwarded to you at the time of your orientation.  Our areas of operation are:

Main Office – Room 2W6
Facilities Scheduling Office – Room 2W17
Memorial Student Center Recreation Area – Basement
Main Desk – Lobby
Public Relations

Public Relations involves properly dealing with people.  When dealing with the public, it is important that the Work-study/Student Assistant present a professional and pleasant image.

Take the initiative.  When someone enters the building, ask in a friendly and businesslike voice, “May I help you?”.  Be sure to give them your full attention and handle their inquiry promptly.  Politeness counts!  Be sure to excuse yourself if something else needs your immediate attention.

Avoid saying “I don’t know.”   If you don’t know an answer, offer to find out the answer or direct the patron to where the correct information can be obtained.