Due to the interdisciplinary nature of video production, the major draws from courses and resources across the College of Arts and Media to ensure student success. The Communications Building on main campus houses a T.V. studio, computer labs, and sound studio. The Visual Arts Center is the home of the School of Art and Design and houses a lighting studio and most of the video production equipment used in the program (and is located at 927 Third Ave. in downtown Huntington).
Equipment Checkout
Nearly every piece of equipment available to video production students is listed on our Equipment Checkout page. We use the library’s checkout system to manage student access.
Laptop Recommendations
Students are not required to bring their own computers to pursue video production but it is highly recommended as it assists students in learning through familiarity with their personal machine and managing massive media files. Check out our latest suggested configuration.
Online Resources for learning your craft
There is no end to online sources that can be effectively used to supplement your education and understanding of the video production field. Utilized wisely, you can make more progress, faster, while learning from professionals beyond Marshall. Here are a few websites we think are among the best (we suggest signing up for email lists and following social media accounts where available to immerse yourself in your chosen field:
No Film School
No Film School is the leading worldwide community of filmmakers, video producers, and independent creatives. No Film School is where filmmakers learn from each other — “no film school” required. Visit
Film School Rejects
Film School Rejects is a website about movies, a disruptive influence within the world of Hollywood. Visit Film School Rejects. It also owns and operates One Perfect Shot and Nonfics.
A global video channel screening the best in culture NOWNESS is a movement for creative excellence in storytelling celebrating the extraordinary of every day. Visit
UBUweb is the most significant source of video art on the web, a treasure trove of original art (of all sorts) Visit Main Website or for Film specific writing – http://www.ubu.com/papers/film_culture.html
Amazing resource for visual essays on films, actors, and filmmakers. Visit
Indiewire is a daily news source for independent film, publishing interviews, reviews, essays, and other works. Indiewire provides a broad and accessible assortment of articles that provide coverage of the film industry in its current state as well as its past. Visit
An online film journal providing essays on film theory and other critical works. With emphasis on critical analysis and a tendency towards use of theory, BrightLights provides articles concerned with the philosophical and ethical implications of film. Visit
Screen Anarchy
An online news source providing writings on international, independent, cult, and genre films. All-encompassing in its scope, Twitch provides reviews, news, writings, and more in an inclusive manner. Visit
Experimental Cinema
An online resource for experimental cinema and video art. Experimental Cinema provides a resource for history, critical analysis, as well as resources for finding experimental film. Visit
Critical Commons
Critical Commons is a public media archive and fair use advocacy network that supports the transformative reuse of media in scholarly and creative contexts. Critical Commons is also part of the technical and conceptual architecture of the Alliance for Networking Visual Culture and the electronic authoring/publishing platform Scalar. Visit
Association of Moving Image Archivists
A non-profit organization established to coordinate and connect film archivists in order to better protect and propagate moving image materials. Visit
French Institute ; Alliance Francaise
FIAF is a non-profit organization located in New York which seeks to better exhibit French culture to an American audience, including French films from the present and past. Visit
Bay Area Video Coalition
The BAVC seeks to provide artists and non-profit organizations with the technology, training, and support necessary to spread film as an art form. Visit