Technology Governance & Review Process

Information Technology, the Purchasing Office, and the Office of the General Counsel collectively review and negotiate the best purchase price and license terms for campus departments and individuals when procuring technology products and services.  Additionally, this allows the university to make informed, strategic decisions about the use of technology.

All requests for technology systems or services should be submitted using the Technology Procurement Form.  Additionally, please refer to the IT Purchasing Checklist to streamline your experience in purchasing technology software and services. Once the technology procurement form is submitted, MU IT will perform the following:

  1. Discuss the need for technology with the requestor and determine if there are duplicative services already offered by the University,
  2. Collaborate with the vendor to collect the necessary documentation and perform an information security review of the product using the Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit framework, and
  3. Determine if the technology system or services will need support from the IT team for implementation, in which case, we will work with the requestor to scope and prioritize the project.

Technology procurements that meet any of the below conditions must first be coordinated and discussed with MU IT prior to purchasing:

  • The technology requires integration of services and data
  • The technology requires substantial financial and personnel resources to evaluate long-term impact and cost efficiencies
  • The technology impacts multiple cross-functional stakeholders to ensure alignment and collaboration
  • The technology involves sensitive data (i.e., FERPA, HIPAA, confidential information, etc.)

All technologies are in-scope, regardless of renewal status or purchasing method, including the following:

  • New contracts for technology services or products
  • Renewal of existing contracts for technology services or products
  • Replacing an existing contract for technology services or products
  • Adding a new module/function/use case to existing technology services or products

Once the technology review is complete, all technology purchases must adhere to the standards set forth by the State of West Virginia, as described by the Marshall University Purchasing Handbook.

For information or additional questions, please contact Jodie Penrod, Chief Information Officer, at


Complete this form to begin:
Technology Procurement Form *

*Note: this form requires Marshall University Network logon credentials to complete.