Student Center of Professional Education Services (SCoPES)

The Student Center of Professional Education Services (SCoPES) provides students a broad range of support while promoting a proactive approach to academic achievement, goal attainment, and life-skill development.  Our assistance educates, guides, and provides access to resources that will help students navigate their individual academic and career paths.  SCoPES strives to impart the essential values of critical thinking, respect, accountability, and self-advocacy in meeting the holistic needs of students.

Important Information and Things to Do regarding your Class Standing

FRESHMAN (0-29 hours)

When becoming a student in the college you will meet with the staff of SCoPES to declare a major, if you have not already done so.  You will be assigned an Academic Advisor at that time.  During both semesters of your freshman year, you will be required to meet with your Academic Advisor prior to registration.

SOPHOMORES (30-59 hours)

As a sophomore, you are required to meet with an Academic Advisor in order to register for classes.  Near the end of your sophomore year, you should develop a plan for completing your major courses.  By the end of your sophomore year, you should have completed EDF 218/270 and passed all three parts of the Praxis CORE I exam.   It is important that you plan carefully in order to properly navigate through the College of Education and Professional Development to graduate in a timely manner.

JUNIORS (60-89 hours)

Once you complete 58 hours of coursework and officially become a junior, you will meet with the Director of SCoPES to complete a Junior Degree Evaluation.  This evaluation outlines all of your remaining requirements for graduation.  A hold will be placed on your account until this junior degree evaluation takes place.  This hold prevents students from registering for classes or adjusting your schedule.

SENIORS (90+ hours)

Once you reach 90 credit hours and officially become a senior you will meet with the Director of SCoPES to complete a Senior Degree Evaluation.  The semester before you graduate is the time to apply for graduation.  Your diploma fee must be paid in the Bursars office in Old Main prior to applying.  After paying, come to the Office of Student Services in the College of Education and Professional Development and fill out a graduation application.

Overload Request

If a class offered by the College of Education and Professional Development (COEPD) is closed, students may request an overload into the course.  The overload process for all COEPD courses is maintained in the SCOPES Office.  Courses offered by the COEPD include courses with the following course designators: CI, CISP, EDF, and WELL. All requests are sent to the Director of the SCOPES who evaluates them in conjunction with the Chair.  Priority for overloads is given to students majoring in the COEPD and students who need the course as a requirement to graduate in that semester or stay on track for their intended graduation date.  Overloads are not guaranteed and depend on classroom capacity, course demand, and the student’s curriculum requirements.  For courses that are offered on the Huntington campus, overloads are not given until all of the sections of that course are closed.  The Director of Student Services may maintain a waitlist for the course, but students are encouraged to register for an alternative course option if an overload cannot be granted.

Fall 2024 Overload request form

Contact Us

The Student Center of Professional Education Services (SCoPES) Directory

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