John Sammons News Archive

Summary: Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Teaching the Jury Through Effective Use of Visuals helps digital forensic practitioners explain complex technical material to laypeople (i.e., juries, judges, etc.). The book includes professional quality illustrations of technology that help anyone understand the complex concepts behind the science. Users will find invaluable information on theory and best practices along

Summary: The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device Safety Made Easy presents modern tactics on how to secure computer and mobile devices, including what behaviors are safe while surfing, searching, and interacting with others in the virtual world. The book’s author, Professor John Sammons, who teaches information security at Marshall University, introduces readers to

Summary: Learn how to use AccessData’s Forensic Toolkit (FTK) while mastering the fundamentals of digital forensics: Digital Forensics with the AccessData Forensic Toolkit (FTK) provides a comprehensive review of essential digital forensics concepts and builds on this information to teach you how to conduct digital investigations with AccessData’s FTK―the industry-standard, court-accepted digital investigations platform. Part I

Summary: Digital Forensics: Threatscape and Best Practices surveys the problems and challenges confronting digital forensic professionals today, including massive data sets and everchanging technology. This book provides a coherent overview of the threatscape in a broad range of topics, providing practitioners and students alike with a comprehensive, coherent overview of the threat landscape and what can

Summary: The Basics of Digital Forensics provides a foundation for people new to the digital forensics field. This book offers guidance on how to conduct examinations by discussing what digital forensics is, the methodologies used, key tactical concepts, and the tools needed to perform examinations. Details on digital forensics for computers, networks, cell phones, GPS,