Publications News Archive

Summary: Wearable devices allow users the ability to leave mobile phones behind while remaining connected to the digital world; however, this creates challenges in the examination, acquisition, identification, and analysis of probative data. This preliminary research aims to provide an enhanced understanding of where sensitive user data and forensic artifacts are stored on smartwatch wearable

Summary: Information-aware connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) have drawn great attention in recent years due to their potentially significant positive impacts on roadway safety and operational efficiency. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth review of three basic and key interrelated aspects of a CAV: sensing and communication technologies; human factors; and information-aware controller design.

Summary:   This chapter highlights significant research and challenges pertaining to the applicability of emerging predictive and prescriptive analytics solutions to achieve cyber resilience. It presents significant predictive and prescriptive analytics solutions for protecting the cyberinfrastructure supporting scientific research. The chapter discusses various predictive and prescriptive analytics techniques/algorithms that when combined effectively will aid in

Summary: Large-scale data stores are an increasingly important component of cloud datacenter services. However, cloud storage system usually experiences data loss, hindering data durability. Three-way random replication is commonly used to lead better data durability in cloud storage systems. However, three-way random replication cannot effectively handle correlated machine failures to prevent data loss. Although Copyset

Summary: This paper explores the use of hacking, leaking, and trolling by Russia to influence the 2016 United States Presidential Elections. These tactics have been called “the weapons of the geek” by some researchers. By using proxy hackers and Russian malware to break into the email of the Democratic National Committee and then giving that

Summary: Millions of users use the Internet for entertainment, education, shopping and many other purposes. For instance; one billion hours of YouTube videos are watched every day. One of the key features of such platforms such as the entertainment and shopping platforms is the recommendation system based on past activities of users and the contents

Summary: Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Teaching the Jury Through Effective Use of Visuals helps digital forensic practitioners explain complex technical material to laypeople (i.e., juries, judges, etc.). The book includes professional quality illustrations of technology that help anyone understand the complex concepts behind the science. Users will find invaluable information on theory and best practices along

Summary: Recent implementations of cutting-edge features in smart mobile devices have consumers turning to such technology in increasing numbers as their primary source of communication and information sue to their high degree of portability, privacy, and functionality. As such, emerging technologies have driven substantial progress and unparalleled growth in the field of mobile device forensics,

Summary: Mobile crowdsensing serves as a critical building block for the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications. However, the sensing devices continuously generate a large amount of data, which consumes much resources (e.g., bandwidth, energy and storage), and may sacrifice the quality-of-service (QoS) of applications. Prior work has demonstrated that there is significant redundancy in

Summary: The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device Safety Made Easy presents modern tactics on how to secure computer and mobile devices, including what behaviors are safe while surfing, searching, and interacting with others in the virtual world. The book’s author, Professor John Sammons, who teaches information security at Marshall University, introduces readers to