Undergraduate Degrees in Geography

The Marshall Univeristy Geography Department offers both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Geography. In addition the department offers a Minor in Geography, Minor in Meteorology, and Minor or Certificate in GIScience.

Bachelor of Arts in Geography

The B.A. in Geography is for students interested in the spatial and human dimensions of People, Places, and Regions. Students will explore concepts and issues related to population dynamics and migration, globalization, economic development, transportation systems, connectivity and accessibility, segregation, urban growth and decline. These themes are explored at the local, regional, and global scales. Students will have a chance to benefit from our current areas of regional specialization: West Virginia, Appalachia, U.S. & Canada, and Latin America.

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Geography has a core of 20 credit hours ending with a capstone course sequence. The B.A. in Geography degree requires a minimum total of 39 hours of Geography coursework. Beyond the Geography Core Requirements, students choose a minimum of 12 credit hours from Human or Regional Geography. Remaining electives to reach 39 total credits in GEO may be chosen from any GEO courses. Complete your Bachelor of Arts in Geography Online!

Bachelor of Science in Geography

The B.S. in Geography is for students interested in natural science—concepts and issues related to the environment, earth processes, atmospheric processes, and climate—or in GIScience. Students will have a chance to benefit from our expertise in ecology, weather analysis, meteorology, climatology, hurricanes and other types of severe weather, plus GIS spatial analysis and technologies.

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Geography has a core of 24 credit hours ending with a capstone course sequence. The B.S. in Geography requires a minimum total of 45 credit hours of Geography coursework. Beyond the Geography Core Requirements, students choose a minimum of 15 credits from Physical Geography or GIScience. Remaining electives to reach 45 total credits in GEO may be chosen from any GEO courses. To compensate for the increased number of hours for the B.S. in Geography (including the Meteorology, Weather Broadcasting, and GIScience areas of emphasis), students are exempted from the College of Liberal Arts foreign language requirement. Complete your Bachelor of Science in Geography Online!


  • Area of Emphasis in Weather Broadcasting
  • Area of Emphasis in Meteorology
  • Area of Emphasis in Geospatial Information Science (GIScience)

All undergraduate degrees in geography require a C or better in geography courses if those hours are to count toward the major requirements. For up-to-date requirements and electives, consult the Undergraduate Catalog for the year in which you declared your major.

Geography Core Requirements (B.A.): 19 credit hours

  • GEO 100 lntroduction to Human Geography (CT) (3 credits)
  • GEO 101 Physical Geography (CT) (4 credits)
  • Any Regional Geography course (3 credits; GEO305, 317, 402, 404, 408 offered regularly)
  • GEO 300 Methods in Geography (3 credits; prerequisite STA150 and 150L (preferred) or STA225, MGT 218, PSY 223, SOC 345/ANT 301 or equivalent)
  • GEO 423 Cartography and GIS (3 credits)
  • GEO 499 Senior Capstone (3 credits; Writing Intensive)

Geography Core Requirements (B.S.): 23 credit hours

  • GEO 100 lntroduction to Human Geography (CT) (3 credits)
  • GEO 101 Physical Geography (CT) (4 credits)
  • Any Regional Geography course (3 credits; GEO305, 317, 402, 404, 408 offered regularly)
  • GEO 300 Methods in Geography (3 credits; prerequisite STA150 and 150L (preferred) or STA225, MGT 218, PSY 223, SOC 345/ANT 301 or equivalent)
  • GEO 423 Cartography and GIS (3 credits)
  • GEO 426 Principles of GIS (4 credits)
  • GEO 499 Senior Capstone II (3 credits; Writing Intensive)

Programs Related to Geography B.S.

Not sure about Geography BS? Check out these other undergraduate programs, and talk about your options with an admissions counselor/academic advisor.
Geography, B.A.
Natural Resources and Recreation Management, B.S.
Geology, B.S.
Environmental Science, B.S.

Programs Related to Geography B.A.

Not sure about Geography BA? Check out these other undergraduate programs, and talk about your options with an admissions counselor/academic advisor.
History, B.A.
Modern Languages, B.A.
Political Science, B.A.
Sociology, B.A.



Human Geography Courses

  • GEO 203 Economic Geography (CT; International Studies) (3 credits)
  • GEO 207 Biblical Geography (3 credits; Humanities)
  • GEO 222 Global Environmental Issues (3 credits; International Studies)
  • GEO 405 Political Geography (3 credits; International Studies)
  • GEO 406 Population Geography (3 credits; International Studies)
  • GEO 410 Urban Geography (3 credits)
  • GEO 422 Environmental Geography (3 credits; International Studies)
  • GEO 424 Transportation Geography (3 credits)
  • Other Human Geography courses offered infrequently

Regional Geography Courses

  • GEO 206 Geography of West Virginia (3 credits)
  • GEO 305 Geography of North America (3 credits; Multicultural Studies)
  • GEO 402 Geography of Appalachia (3 credits)
  • GEO 404 Geography of Europe (3 credits; International Studies)
  • GEO 408 Geography of South and Middle America (3 credits; International Studies)
  • Other Regional Geography courses offered infrequently

GIScience Courses

  • GEO 110 Basic GIS (1 credit)
  • GEO 111 Air Photos and Satellite Imagery (1 credit)
  • GEO 112 Introduction to Global Positioning Systems (GPS) (1 credit)
  • GEO 113 Web GIS (1 credit)
  • GEO 233 Digital Earth (4 credits)
  • GEO 426 Principles of GIS (4 credits)
  • GEO 427 Programming GIS (4 credits)
  • GEO 429 GIS Location Analysis (4 credits)
  • GEO 430 Environmental Raster GIS (4 credits)
  • GEO 431 Remote Sensing (3 credits)
  • GEO 434 Flood Hazards and GIS (3 credits)
  • GEO 440 Spatial Statistics and GIS (4 credits)
  • GEO 454 Drones: Remote Sensing & GIS (3 credits)

Physical Geography Courses

  • GEO 222 Global Environmental Issues (CT) (3 credits; International Studies)
  • GEO 230 Introduction to Meteorology (CT; Core II Natural Science) (4 credits)
  • GEO 355 Aviation Weather (3 credits)
  • GEO 422 Environmental Geography (3 credits; International Studies)
  • GEO 425 Climatology (4 credits)
  • GEO 430 Environmental Raster GIS (4 credits)
  • GEO 450 Extreme Weather (4 credits)
  • GEO 460 Weather Analysis (4 credits)

Contact Us

Geography Department
Harris Hall 215
Marshall University
1 John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755

Telephone: 304-696-4364



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