In a world that has become so interdependent and with the economy being so global, it is vital for us to provide our students with international experiences that will allow them to be competitive in the job market. By supporting your son or daughter’s decision to study abroad, you are helping to provide them with key tools to be successful in today’s economy.
By studying abroad your son or daughter will have the opportunity to experience a new culture, live in a new city, possibly speak a new language, and develop a greater understanding of the world. An overseas program will aid your student in becoming more culturally aware and have a better understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. This kind of experience will also assist them in maturity and independence, both of which are vital for life after college.
In order to put your mind at ease we have compiled useful information for you here in regards to finances, health and safety, and other valuable study abroad resources. As always please do not hesitate to contact our office with further questions, we would be happy to assist you.
Tips from a SA Parent
The best tip I can give is to investigate everything. Find the best communication options, especially Skype, phone cards, cell phone plans, etc. Also, communication barriers/accommodations while abroad. Find out financial options while your student is there (banking procedures); and have your student put one or both parents as an extra person on bank accounts in case you need to do something for them. Surf the web and look at housing options and safety of the area, especially in relation to school/classes (proximity of them), cultural makeup, customs, acceptance, and interactions of the area. Be sure to explore opportunities for travel and leisure accommodations. And find information that could be helpful in transitioning your student if they are studying in an area where English is not the native language: number of English speaking students and other exchange students.
To ease the idea of being homesick, get the student’s mailing address to mail handwritten notes and care packages. My daughter really appreciated getting them throughout the semester, getting a little taste of home. Communicate with your student so you know if and when they are traveling, and try not to worry too much.
-Jennifer Weddington, Study Abroad Mom, Spring Semester 2007
More Information
Finances & Scholarships
FAQ for Parents
Under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, institutions may not release information regarding students to anyone, including parents. For more information on FERPA please refer to the Marshall Student Handbook. Please speak with your child and use the resources provided for the most up-to-date information on your student’s program.