- Log in with SSO (Single Sign-On) via MyMU
- Log in with a unique set of Handshake credentials that would need to be created
Student (Alumni) Registration Process:
- https://app.joinhandshake.com/register
- Enter your Marshall email
- Enter Marshall University for school
- Enter a password
- You will then need to fill out basic personal information
- Once these fields are completed, this will create the account and send an email confirmation. The alum must click the link in the email confirmation to confirm and use the account
*If you do not know your 901 number or Marshall SSO, please contact IT. You will be asked to provide your social security number to receive your 901 number. After receiving your student ID number, please contact the Office of Career Education to gain access to your account.
As a Marshall University alum, your presence, words, and support can have a great impact on students.The Office of Career Education provides several options to help you stay connected to your university as a proud alum. We want you to come back to campus, when possible, to connect with students and give them valuable advice about the professional world. Take advantage of these options to stay connected.
Class Presentations
Represent your company to students by coordinating and giving relevant class presentations.
Faculty Relationships
Build new or strengthen already formed relationships with faculty, which in turn can give you a connection to students through those who work with them regularly.
Mock Interviews
Assist the Office of Career Education with face-to-face student mock interviews. This gives you the opportunity to get to know students and give them a real-world interview experience.
Alumni Association
Be an active member of Marshall’s Alumni Association. This gives you the opportunity to connect through several annual events with other alumni and new graduates.
Give to Marshall University financially as an individual or by company grants or contributions. A financial gift can be a lasting and forever connection to your university.
The Office of Career Education can give you additional information on any of these options on how to stay connected. Please contact Erin Lafon at 304-696-6679 or lafone@marshall.edu.