
Connect directly to academic colleges and college advisors to learn more about the majors offered at Marshall. You will be able to network with local professionals and explore careers you are interested in pursuing. Student organizations will also be present so you can find clubs/organizations relating to your major. Learn all about available resources to help you navigate the major exploration process.


What should I expect on the day of the ECHO Event?

  • A lot of program questions from students!
  • Eager students who are interested in learning more about what your programs can offer.

What is my department expected to provide on the day of the ECHO Event?

  • It is recommended to have, at minimum, the department chair and academic advisor.
  • Informational materials, such as degree outlines, curriculum and four-year plans, etc.
  • Anything that highlights your majors and departments.


What should I expect on the day of the ECHO Event?

  • A lot of questions from students!
  • Eager students who are interested in learning more about what your company does and how a specific major can help prepare them.
  • Opportunities to promote internships and build relationships with students
  • Lunch and a table are provided

What is my company expected to provide on the day of the ECHO Event?

  • Informational materials about your company
  • Promotional giveaways

Contact the Office of Career Education

1681 5th Avenue | Huntington, WV 25755

Staff Directory