[CoP] Digital Humanities (2020-2021)


Faculty Senate approved the Digital Humanities (DH) minor in Spring 2018, but Marshall faculty and staff’s investigation of DH began long before and has continued well after that date. Many of us gathered for a department-level book club and two year-long Faculty Learning Communities (FLC), and we conducted collaborative research thanks to the Hedrick Program Grant for Teaching Innovation. We’ve presented and published in DH and received substantial grant funding to continue our research. With these successes, DH has transitioned from a FLC to a Community of Practice (CoP): a group where we put our skills to use to improve DH research, tools, techniques, products, and opportunities for Marshall faculty, staff, and students as well as the greater Huntington community.

After a brief COVID induced hiatus, members of this CoP will resume regular meetings to collaborate on DH research and teaching projects in the spring semester of 2021. Members may form smaller groups to produce publications, presentations, or products (such as grants and community-requested projects). The entire CoP will meet biweekly to seek feedback on smaller group projects and to plan for future projects and sessions.

The DH CoP welcomes individuals already working in DH, individuals interested in working in DH, and individuals interested in finding out if they’d like to work in DH.