Pedagogy of Online Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to offer a Community of Practice on the “Pedagogy of Online Learning” for Spring 2023. This Community of Practice will support faculty seeking to increase their ability to teach effectively within online learning environments.

Participants will gain access to modules and materials focused on pedagogical practices central to online learning.  Community discussion will focus on exploring topics of interest, sharing strategies, and reflecting on how pedagogical practices can enhance both the experiences of students and teachers.

The flexible structure of this Community of Practice will offer faculty multiple pathways for participation. Microsoft Teams will allow for asynchronous engagement, with virtual workshops and coffee chats offered throughout the semester. Teams channels with staff from Online Learning and IT will be available for participants with questions about course design and technology.

Each participant will work to identify ways to implement pedagogical practices within their online courses. Interested participants will have the opportunity to present in a session at the iPed Teaching Conference in May.


For questions, email Jill Underhill at or