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Reinstatement Sample Letter



United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
P.O. Box 660166
Dallas, TX 75266

RE: F-1 Student Reinstatement

To Whom It May Concern:

In the first paragraph explain when you entered the U.S., in what status, and why.  Explain what activities you have done since being in the U.S.

In the second paragraph, explain why you are out of status and when the violation of status occurred.

Next, explain how you feel your violation of status was either, 1) due to circumstances beyond your control or 2) that the violation relates to a reduction in your course load that would have been within the International Student Advisor’s power to authorize and that failure to receive reinstatement would result in extreme hardship.

Next, explain why you feel you are eligible for reinstatement. You are only eligible for reinstatement if:

  • You have not been out of status for more than 5 months, or demonstrate exceptional circumstances if you have been out of status longer
  • You are currently or will be a full time student
  • You have not worked illegally, and
  • You have not done anything else to violate your status
  • You do not have a record of repeated or willful violations of your F-1 status

Finally, reaffirm your non-immigrant intent by stating what your plans are following the completion of your degree. This should include returning to your home country.



(Student signature)

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