2023 Middle School Honor Band

Marshall University School of Music is proud to announce the Middle School Honor Band Festival will be held at the Marshall University on November 17th, 2023.

Registration is now open!

The Middle School Honor Band Festival is an event developed for the purpose of recognizing the achievements of exceptional middle school musicians. The festival includes rehearsal/final concert preparations with quality clinicians from successful public school teachers. This year, we will seat two middle school honor bands at the festival. The Festival Honor Bands will be made up of a Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band. Students will be placed appropriately in the festival honor bands.

Honor Band Details


Eric Staats, Capitol High School

Keith Carper, Huntington East Middle School

Registration & Payment Information

Band Directors: You will submit nominations in 12-student increments here, using this online nomination form. Please include all necessary information for you and your students and nominate them in order of preference. You can nominate up to 12 students at one time. If you have additional students you would like to nominate, you can simply submit another nomination form after the first. Please note: Your first 12 students will receive priority when it comes to placing students in bands and it is not guaranteed that every student will be able to participate, however, we will do our best.

The deadline for nomination submissions is October 20th. Students will then be placed into one of two bands of balance performance levels and we will then try to distribute music. Notification of who made the honor band and which band they are in will be provided by November 1st.

Once the students are placed in ensembles, we will email all directors an invoice for their student(s). Directors, boosters, budget keepers, or parents can pay online via the links that will be sent with the invoice. The cost of attending the MU Festival Band is $20.00 per student. Students will receive a t-shirt and certificate of participation. Credit cards and checks are accepted.  You may use one check or several, made out to “Kappa Kappa Psi.”

Schedule of Events (tentative)

8:30 – Director/student check-in
9:30 – Rehearsal #1
11:45 – Lunch
1:30 – Rehearsal # 2
3:30 – Break
4:00 – MU Symphonic Band & Wind Symphony
5:00 – Dinner and change for concert
6:30 – Stage set up, first band in seats
7:00 – Concert Starts


All campus dining facilities at the Memorial Student Center and Harless Dining Hall will be open. Students may also go off-campus to eat. There are several restaurants and fast food places within easy walking distance from campus. We will not offer lunch on Friday through our music department as we have in the past.


There are many hotels in the Huntington/Barboursville/Ashland area available for housing during the Honor Band Festival.

Support the Marching Thunder

2024-25 Wind Band Concert Series

October 9th – Symphonic Band & Wind Symphony

November 21st – Wind Symphony

December 5th – Symphonic Band

February 19th – Wind Symphony (HSHB)

February 20th – Symphonic Band (HSHB)

April 30th – Wind Symphony

May 1st – Symphonic Band

All concerts can be found on our YouTube Channel here.

All concerts start at 7:30 unless otherwise noted.

The Latest

Marching Thunder Events

Fall 2024 Performance Schedule
Next season’s game and performance schedule will be determined in the spring. Please stay tuned.

31st – Home vs. Stoney Brook (Band Day)

7th – Away game vs. VT
28th – Home vs. W. Michigan

5th – Home vs. App State (Homecoming)
17th (Thurs) – Home vs. GA St.
26th – Tri-State Marching Championships

2nd – Home vs. ULM
16th – Home vs. CCU

7th – Possible SBC Championships
Possible Post-season Bowl Game